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时间: 巧绵2 四年级

教师在写教案时,一定从实际出发,要充分考虑从实际需要出发,要考虑教案的可行性和可操作性。下面就是小编整理的At the farm四年级教案,希望大家喜欢。


At the farm四年级教案1


1、能听、说、认读单词:tomato、green beans、potato、carrot以及它们的复数形式。











1、教师手举一个西红柿,说:I like tomatoes. Do you like tomatoes?引导学生用I like …或I don’t like…根据自己的实际情况表达。

2、 教师再拿起一夹青豆,边说边完全呈现:Oh,it’s long and green. They are green beans. Do you like green beans? 让学生在回答中学习单词。

3、 出示土豆:Do you know it?French fries are made of it. It’s a potato. Do you like potatoes? 学生根据用I like …或I don’t like…根据自己的实际进行情况表达。

4、请学生猜谜语:They are long and orange. Rabbits like eating them? What are they? 学习单词carrot。

5、 教师将四种蔬菜分别放在教室的不同位置,然后说单词,请学生指出相应的实物。


让学生观察歌谣中like后的蔬菜单词和Let’s learn中的单词有什么不同。启发学生说出like后的名词是以复数形式出现的。教师适当强调tomato和potato的复数形式拼写的变化,carrot的复数形式读音的变化。




Unit4 At the farm

What are those?--- They’re...

How many... do you have? Seventeen.

At the farm四年级教案2

Teaching content analysis:

Unit4 At the Farm has 6 periods. This lesson is the period3. The main teaching content of this lesson is Part A Let’s Spell. This part requires students to master the pronunciation of words which has letter combination “or”. And students should perceive and conclude the pronunciation rules of the letter combination “or”.

Students’ learning analysis:

As the grade 4 students, they have learn the pronunciation of “ir”, “ur”, “ar”, “er” in the last several units. In this lesson, I will make a connection with “or” and “ir”, “ur”, “ar”, “er”.

Teaching objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

l Master the pronunciation of words which have letter combination “or”: /ɜ:/, /ɔ::/.

l Perceive and conclude the pronunciation rules of the letter combination “or”.

l Read and write down the words that have letter combination “or” according to the pronunciation rule.

l By the learning of pronunciation can make the students notice the fixed pronunciation of some letter combinations, which can improve students speech recognition ability and reading ability.

Important and difficult points of teaching:

Make the students to master the pronunciation of words which have letter combination “or”. And make them to perceive and conclude the pronunciation rules of the letter combination “or”.

Teaching process:

I Warm-up

1. Free talk.

T: Good morning, boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning, Miss Yang.

T: Today we’ll learn Unit 4 At the Farm PartA Let’s spell.

2. T: Before our class, let’s enjoy two chants.

(Teacher plays the chants about the pronunciation of “ir”, “ur” and “al”, which they have learned before.)

3. Teacher shows the words which contain “ir”, “ur” and “al” to recall the knowledge they have learnt.

4. Teacher asks students whether they remember the pronunciation of “ir”, “ur”, “ar”, “er”. And then teacher can naturally introduce “or” to students.

[Design idea:Recall the knowledge they have learned. Use “ir” and “ur”, which pronounce /ɜ:/, and “al”, which pronounces /ɔ::/, to make connection with “or”.]

II Presentation

1 . Presentation “or”: /ɜ:/

⑴Teacher shows 3 words, which are work, homework, world map, and asks students to read it.

⑵Teacher asks students to discuss the pronunciation rule of “or”.

[Design idea:Let students perceive and conclude the pronunciation rules of the letter combination “or”. ]

⑶Teacher presents the pronunciation rule 1 of “or”: or在w后通常发/ɜ:/,与ir,ur同音.

⑷Teacher shows the words: word, worth, worm, worse. And then requires students to spell them according to the pronunciation rule 1.

[Design idea:make students be able to read the words that has letter combination “or” according to the pronunciation rule 1.]

2 . Presentation “or”: /ɔ::/

⑴Teacher shows students the word “horse” and ask them a question that whether this word pronounce /hɜ:s/.

⑵Teacher asks students to find out the pronunciation of the word “horse” and pay attention to the other words that has “or” in a chant.

Chant: The story about a horse

I like to read the story.

The story about the horse.

The horse likes to work.

He works hard of course.

⑶After listening to the chant, teacher asks students to read the words: horse, story.

⑷Teacher shows 4 words, which are horse, fork, story, morning, and asks students to read it.

⑸Teacher asks students to conclude the pronunciation rule of “or”.

⑹Teacher presents the pronunciation rule 2 of “or”: or在单词中一般发/ɔ::/,与al 同音.

⑺Teacher asks students to make brainstorm about the words that contain “or” that pronounce /ɔ::/.

3. Summary

Teacher asks students to summary the pronunciation of “or”:


发音规则2:or在单词中一般发/ɔ::/,与al 同音

III Practice

1. Listen and number

[Design idea:First of all teacher will help students to master the pronunciation of words which has letter combination “or”: / ɜ :/, /ɔ::/ by listening.]

2. Read and sort

[Design idea:Secondly, through speaking, teacher helps students to be able to read the words that has letter combination “or” according to the pronunciation rule.]

3. Look. Listen and write

Teacher asks students to write down the important words.

[Design idea:Thirdly, though writing, teacher helps students to be able to write down the words that has letter combination “or” according to the pronunciation rule.]

IV Production

Teacher make a summary with students that the pronunciation of “or”,

“ir”, “ur”, “ar”, “er”. And then teacher will guide students to be aware that the fixed pronunciation of some letter combinations.

V Homework


把查找到的相关单词根据/ɜ:/ 和/ɔ::/来归类并记录。



At the farm四年级教案3


1.能听懂、会说、会读交际用语:Welcome to … What are these/those?They’re …Are these/those …? Yes, they are./No, they aren’t

2.能听懂、会说、会读词汇:they’re=they are, pig, cow, chicken, duck

3.能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇:farm, they, pig, apple, those



1.句型:What are these/those? Are these/those …?的语调和用法。

2.词汇:farm, they, those, chicken, apple, pear的读音;a和an用法的区别;名词复数形式。




Step1 Before class

Listen and Sing a song:Old Mac Donald had a farm

Step 2. Warming up

1. Free talk.

T:Hello,boys and girls.I’m your new English teacher,Miss Wang.

I’m very glad to be here.

I want to be your friend.

OK,firstly,I want to know your names.

T:What’s your name? Who’s your friend?

Nice to meet you.Welcome to my class.(PPT)

S:Thank you.

2. Learn to say:Welcome to …


3. Lead-in and learn

T: Boys and girls,we sang a song before class.We were very happy.

We saw a lot of animals there.Right?(PPT出现农场画面)

They were on the farm.

Learn ‘on the farm’。

Step 3. Presentation and practice

1.Learn : What are these/those? And ‘pigs/cows/ducks/chickens’

(1)What are these?They’re pigs.

(2) Are these pigs?No,

What are these?They’re cows.

(3) What are those?They’re …s.

Are those …?Yes./No.


2. Let’s say.A chant

These,these. What are these?

Pigs,pigs. They’re pigs.

Those,those. What are those?

Cows,cows. They’re cows.

Step 4.Text-learning

1.Task 1 : Let’s listen! Who is on the farm too? (谁也在农场?)

2.Task 2 : Listen and tick:What’s on the farm?

3,Task 3 : Let’s watch: (欣赏动画,将农场上的动植物摆在正确的位置。)

A. pigs

B. cows

C. apples

D. pears

4.Task 4 : Let’s follow.(跟读) ☆ 注意语音语调 ☆ 要读出感情哦

5.Task 5 : Let’s read. (让我们读吧!)分角色朗读。

6.Task 6 : Farm show! (农场秀!)(发挥想象创编并表演,说得越多越好哦!)

T:It’s great fun to visit a farm. Liu Tao and Mike have great fun on the farm. It’s great fun to have a farm,too.

30 years later, you’re grown up. Someone may have a wonderful farm. Would you please show your friends around your farm? Make a dialogue in groups.

A model:

A (farmer): Look! I have a farm! Look! They’re pigs!/They’re cows! Welcome to my farm, Mr …!

B: Oh, thank you! My good friend, Mr/Miss …

A: Nice to see you!

B: Nice to see you! What are these?

A: They’re … They’re lovely!

Would you like a …?

B: Yes, please. Thank you! I like… What are those?

A: They’re …s. They’re sweet. Would you like … ?

B: Yes, please. It’s yummy!

A: Do you like my farm?

B: Yes. It’s great!

A: Welcome to my farm next time!

B: Thank you. Bye-bye!

A: Goodbye!

Step 5. Ticking time

Ticking time

I can talk about things on a farm.

I can act things on a farm.

Step 6. Homework

1.Read Story time for 5 times.

2.Make your performance better.

3.Visit a farm if it’s possible.


Unit 7 On the farm

--What are these/those?

--They’re …s.

--Are these/those …s?

--Yes./No,they’re …s.