教育巴巴 > 小学教案 > 英语教案 > 四年级 >


时间: 沐钦 四年级





Step 1 Free talk

1、利用图片复习特殊疑问句What’s this ? It’s a …及文具、水果、动物和人体部位的单词。

T: Hello, boys and girls. What’s this ?

Ss: It’s a …

2、say a rhyme

Step 2 Play a game

T: Hello , boys and girls , let’s play a game Listen and draw , OK ?

Ss: OK .

1、 教师先在黑板上画一张脸的轮廓。

2、 教师发指令,请4个学生在黑板上画出相应的五官,边画边说。

Step 3 Learning

T: Hello , boys and girls .

Ss: Hello , Miss Shuai.

T:I say and you do , OK?

Ss: OK .

T:Touch your nose,Touch your eye, Stand up . Sit down .

Ss: Touch your …

Ss: Hands up ./ Hands down .

Teaching: Hand, Hands up,Hands down, turn around.

Step4 Consolidation

T: Let’s act , OK ?

Ss: OK .

T: Who acts as Mike , who acts as Su Hai ? And who acts as Miss Li ?

(一个人演Mike,一个人演Helen,再一个人演Miss Li。)

S1: Hello , boys and girls .

Ss: Hello , Miss / Mr …

S1: Follow me , please . Stand up . / Sit down .

S1: Touch your …

S1: Hands up ./ Hands down .

Step 5 Say a rhyme

1、 先让学生边听录音边看书上图片,使学生感知每一句的含义。

2、 带着学生边做动作边学新句子Hands up. / Hands down . / Turn around .

3、 带着学生逐句诵读歌谣,力求熟练。


5、 在学生语言比较丰富之后,开展的Look and say游戏,让学生看动作,说句子,从而巩固祈使句

Step 6 Assign homework,




Unit 7 Follow me

Hands up!

Hands down !

Follow me ,

And turn around .



a.能听、说、读、写动词词组:wash the clothes, set the table, make the bed and do the dishes.

b.能听、说、认读词组“put away the clothes” and sentence “ can you do housework? Yes, I can.”

c.能够说唱let’s chant, 巩固所学词组。




掌握四个四会动词词组,pay attention the pronunciation and spelling about the word “ clothes”。





Step1: Preparation

1. Free talk:

T: Are you helpful at home? S:…

T: What can you do at home? S:…

2.Let’s chant.

chant in page 44

Step2: Presentation

1. 单词导呈。

a. chant结束时问,boys and girls, what can you do?

S1: I can …。.

T: Can you wash the clothes? Yes or no?

领读:clothes, wash the clothes. I can wash the clothes.

Look at the picture, this is a little boy, let’s ask him together, “ can you wash the clothes?” 多媒体呈现课件读音:Yes, I can. I can wash the clothes. 教师同时领读。

T: Boys and girls, can you wash the clothes? Ss: Yes, I can . I can wash the clothes. Talk in pairs.

b. Look at the picture, what can he do? Who can ask him? “what can you do?” “ do the dishes, I can do the dishes.”出示卡片、板书并领读。

c. T: I do, you say. Do the action, ( set the table)

T: Can you set the table? Ask the students.

Yes, I can , I can set the table. Set the table( 边说边做动作)ask your best friend, can you set the table? Ask me please! Ss: can you set the table, Miss Zhao.

d. I only tell one student, “Yes, I can. I can do the dishes, too.” (耳语) tell the sentences to you friend.

Yes, I can do the dishes, too. Can you do the dishes?

e. I can do many housework, I can wash the clothes, I can set the table, I can do the dishes, I can make the bed, too. Who can make the bed? S1: …… s2…。.s3…。. I can make the bed.

Now, let’s play a game, ok? Listen and do?

I say, you do, for example. Wash the clothes.

T: wash the clothes, wash the clothes and do the dishes, wash the clothes, do the dishes and set the table, wash the clothes, do the dishes, set the table and make the bed, wash the clothes, do the dishes, set the table, make the bed, and put away the clothes,(教师做动作)

Put away the clothes.

All of these are housework, can you do housework?

Yes, I can , I can wash the clothes…。. T: Great! You’re helpful.

2. 听读正音。老师播放Let’s learn 部分录音,学生看课本跟读,同时手指词组及句子。

3. 合作学习。同桌之间互相检查词组和句子的认读,互相帮助。

Step3: Practice

1. I can do some housework too, can you guess, what can I do?

(出示转盘)将学生分成四组,you can …。.




5. Let’s chant. 老师播放P7 Let’s chant 录音,学生先听。在跟读。可分组拍手对答吟唱。

Step4: Production

教师提出要求,请用上Can you…? 的句型采访本组的同学,并将结果记录在表格上。





Step5: Progress



1. 听录音,读Let’s learn 内容。






(2)能够运用正确的语音、语调朗读对话 。

(3)能在实际情境中运用所学主句型,How old are you? I’m …years old. 询问年龄并作答。

(4)能用Happy birthday!向别人表达生日祝福。


(1)听懂、会说句子How old are you? I’m…。 Happy birthday!

(2) 听、说单词six, brother.


(1)渗透:当你收到别人的礼物和祝福时,要说“Thank you”



听懂、会说Happy birthday! How old are you? I’m…。


(1) How old are you? 与How are you? 的区分,以及所学内容的灵活运用。



Step1 Preparation

1. Free talk

T: Hello! How are you? Nice to meet you .

2. Chant

T: First , Let’s have a chant.P.59页


3. 创设情境。

(播放生日音乐)T: Listen, what’s happening?出示幻灯片生日,Oh , here’s a birthday party . Look, so many gifts .What are they? Let’s have a look .Let’s count . How many …?借助课件,引出six并借助卡片教学。

设计意图:尽快的创设情境,在生日party 中复习旧知,并以旧带新,解决新单词。

Wow ,so many gifts. Today we have many gifts ,too . Each group ,there are some gifts on your desk. If you do well ,you can get a gift.

Step2 Presentation

1. 看图预测

T: It’s a beautiful birthday party. Do you know whose birthday party is it? Let’s go and have a look. Look, who are they ?

S: John Sarah Sam

2. 听音回答问题,教学brother

T: Now,they are talking about the birthday.Please guess :Today, whose birthday?

S: John’s Sarah’s Sam’s

T: Let’s listen and choose: Whose birthday? S:Sam’s.

T:Yes,today is Sam’s brother. Sam is Sarah’s brother. 引出brother并使用卡片进行教学。

3. 在听第一段录音,学习Happy birthday

T: Today is Sam’s birthday.John is coming.What does John say? Let’s listen and choose.引出Happy birthday !并用分组读,男女生读,以及chant 的形式教学。

T:Today is Sam’s birthday. Let’s sing: “Happy birthday, Happy birthday, Happy birthday to you!” (播放录音Thank you.)Look,today is zoom’s birthday. Let’s say “Happy birthday ”! (播放录音Thank you.)Look,it’s zip’s birthday. Let’s say “Happy birthday ”! (播放录音Thank you.)

T:Boys and girls, When you get a gift or wishes, please say thank you. Now, each group can get a gift. Ss: Thank you!

4. 听第二段录音,学习句型“How old are you? I’m six years old .”

T: Today is Sam’s birthday. He has many gifts.Look,a big birthday cake. (画蛋糕) The candles for Sam.(老师做插蜡烛的动作) But,how many candles? So,John ask Sam“How old are you?”

T: Now, let’s listen and choose.

引出 I’m six years old .并采用小组读,相互问答等多种方式操练。

T: Now ,Let’s ask Sam“How old are you?” 出示How old are you? 并教学,并出示How are you?作比较。

T:(分组问答)This group ,you ask .This group ,you answer.

T:At Sam’s birthday party, his friends are coming. Look, Li Li is coming .Let’s ask Li li “How old are you”?

S:Li li , How old are you? …。根据学生回答渗透eight ,nine.

T: Now , who can tell me? How old are you? S: …。

设计意图:进入文本,以Sam的生日为主线,通过听音答题,层层递进引出问题,从而解决教学重难点。操练句型时,由机械操练到意义操练递进。因为学生在回答自己的年龄时,会用到eight ,nine.所以做一下渗透,降低难度。


T: Now, let’s listen to the tape. Listen and imitate. Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.


T: Let’s read in roles. First ,I’m.... You are....

T: Act the dialogue in your groups.

T: Which group can show us?

Step3 Practice

Let’s play(两人合作,根据抽到的卡片内容,回答问题。)

T: Sam and his friends are very happy. Now, they are playing a game use the cards. Look, I have some cards ,too. 师生示范游戏。

T: Please play the game with you partner.

T: Who can show us?


Step4 Production


T: Sam’s birthday party is so interesting. Do you want to go? Now, please take your gifts,go to Sam's birthday party. (老师戴头饰,和学生示范。)Now, I’m Sam. Welcome to my birthday party! w W w .x K b 1 .c o M

A:Hello! B: Hello!

A: How are you? B: I’m fine. Thank you.

A: Happy birthday! B: Wow....Thank you!

A: How old are you? B: I’m six years old. How old are you?

A: I’m …years old. Goodbye. B: Bye.

T: Please practice in your groups like this.

T: Which group can show us?


T: You can ask“ How old are you?”each other. But you can’t ask me“ How old are you?” It’s a secret. You can’t ask your aunt, uncle “ How old are you?”too. For them, “ How old are you?” It’s a secret.

设计意图:设置一个参加生日party 的任务型活动。让学生能正在实际情景中运用所学句型。

Step5 Progress

1. 检测:Listen and number.

T: Open your excises book, turn to 46.No.1

T: Correct the answers.

2. Summary : T: Today is Sam’s birthday. We are happy. At the birthday party, what have you learned today?

3. 总结评价:Let’s count your gifts.

4. Homework

(1)Listen and repeat the dialogue.

(2)Ask your friends:“How old are you ? ”



Let’s learn部分通过朋友们谈论自己年龄的场景,呈现了要学习的six to ten数字单词。Let’s do部分是练习数字6—10的指令活动。Find ,tick and match部分是巩固学生对本单元所学数字单词的掌握而设计的练习题。look and circle部分是检查学生对本单元所学数字单词的掌握情况。let’s sing部分是数字歌,巩固和运用了所学数字单词。




(2)能听懂 Let's do 里的指示语,并能按照指令做出相应的动作;

(3)能正确完成Find ,tick and match和let’s check部分的习题。

(4)能够会唱歌曲“Ten Little Candles”。



(2)听、说句型I’m ...years old.

(3)理解Let's do 部分的内容。




数字 6—10 的听、说、认读。




Step1 Preparation

1.复习、感知英文数字单词:Sing the song“Ten Little Candles”。

2.Free talk

T: Hello! How are you? Nice to meet you .

T: How old are you?

3.T: Last class, we went to Sam’s birthday, Sam has many gifts, Let’s count. 课件出示一张礼物图片,数一数,师用How many?提问,生回答。复习数字one-five.

Step2 Presentation



出示Let’s learn人物图,Those are Sam’s friends. They went to the party, Let’s have a look.课件出示课本人物图,并自我介绍。Hi! I’m Li Li, I’m six years old. Hi, I’m Tom, I’m 7 years old. Hi! I’m Kate, I’m 8 years old. Hi, I’m Lu Yao. I’m 9 years old. I’m Lucy. I’m 10 years old.

T: Do you love them? Let’s make friend with them.

S: OK.


2. 出示Li Li 图。T: Now, you are Li Li. How old are you? S: I’m six years old. 师拿出词卡six教读(升降调)--生跟读--师板书—领读--学生认读练习(分组、分排、开火车、个别读…)。师板书句子:I’m six years old.并领读。生齐读。师问生答。T:“How old are you?” S:“I’m six years old. 生生问答练习。

师拿出一些铅笔,T:I have some pencils, Let’s count. S: one, two, …six.

教师通过动作示范或出示课件,渗透句子:“Show me six”。让学生听指令做出动作并说“six”。

3.Let’s meet Tom. 出示Tom。放课件,“I’m Tom. I’m seven years old. 师出示seven词卡。师拿出词卡教读(升降调)--生跟读--师板书—领读--学生认读练习(分组、分排、开火车、个别读…)。师问生答。T:“How old are you?” 生带Tom头饰S:“I’m seven years old. 生生问答练习。

师拿出一些铅笔,T:I have some pens, Let’s count. S: one, two, …six,seven。

教师通过动作示范或出示课件,渗透句子:“Show me seven”。让学生听指令做出动作并说“seven ”。

4. Let’s meet Kate. 出示Kate 图片,放课件:I’m Kate. I’m eight years old.出示eight词卡,师拿出词卡教读(升降调)--生跟读--师板书—领读--学生认读练习(分组、分排、开火车、个别读…)。

师问同学“T: “How old are you?” S:“ I’m … years old. 生生问答练习。

5. Let’s meet Lu Yao. 课件播放:I’m Lu Yao. I’m nine years old. 师拿出词卡nine教读(升降调)--生跟读--师板书—领读--学生认读练习(分组、分排、开火车、个别读…)。师板书句子:I’m nine years old.并领读。生齐读。师问生答。T: “How old are you?” S: “I’m nine years old. 生生问答练习。

教师通过动作示范或出示课件,渗透句子:“Show me nine”。让学生听指令做出动作并说“nine”。

师拿出一些蜡笔,T:I have some crayons, Let’s count. S: one, two, …six…nine.

6.师又放上一只蜡笔,说How many crayons? S: One,…ten.师出示词卡ten教读(升降调)--生跟读--师板书—领读--学生认读练习(分组、分排、开火车、个别读…)。课件出示Lucy,T:How old are you?生回答。师板书句子:I’m ten years old.


(1)Listen and point.

(2)Listen, point and read.


以小组合作的形式让学生记住单词,小组当中评价。(Read in your groups. One speaks, the others point, then change.在小组内轮流读单词和句子,其他生指着认读,然后交换。)

Step 3 Practice


1.音义训练活动:Let's do部分,教师播放let’s do的录音,让学生做出相应动作,并说出数字单词。(具体操作步骤可参考教参P132.)

2.形义配对活动:教师打乱顺序出示six to ten的单词卡,学生以小组形式讨论尝试读出单词并重新按顺序排列好。请五个学生在黑板上完成配对。

3.音形训练活动:教师出示数字词卡和手势,学生读出数字并说I’m ...years old.生由1读到10(注意语音语调)。

4. Find ,tick and match:学生通过找一找、说一说的过程来巩固本单元所学数字单词。

Step4 Production



姓名(What’s your name?

My name’s...)年龄(How old are you?

I’m ...years old.) 电话号码

师:我们已经了解了一些朋友的信息,你能说出你介绍一下你自己吗?I’m…。 I’m…years old.


Step5 Progress



(2)look and circle:检查学生对数字单词的掌握情况。

2.Summary:T: What have you learned today? 引导学生总结所学知识。


(1)Listen to the tape and read the words.




1、能听、说、认读单词warm/cool/hot/cold/weather report

2、能听、说、认读句子:Good morning. This is the weather report.It’s …in….





⑴我国各地的天气状况;单词weather report的发音

⑵how is the weather today句型的掌握。





2、板书: How is the weather today?


4、把How is the weather today?和It is ...谈论天气的句型给学生进行讲解。

5、教会学生本课重点单词:cloud 、wind 、sonw、 rain、 sun、warm、hot、cold、cool单词。


Guessing game : Warm or cold?

A:It’s cold or warm in our classroom.

B:It’s warm.Now Let’s play a game.

A:It’s warm or cold in   Beijing  ?


A:It’s _______ in  Hainan . Is it warm/cold in  Hainan ?


A:It’s hot in Hainan.教读单词hot.

B:t’s hot. I’d like some watermelon. What would you like?

A:I'd like some...


Let’s chant

Weather, weather, weather report.

This is the weather report.

This is the weather report.

Cold, cold, it’s cold in   Harbin  .

Warm, warm, it’s warm in   Beijing  .

Hot, hot, it’s hot in  Hong Kong .

Cool, cool, it’s cool in   Lhasa  .





1.能听懂、会说、会读交际用语:Welcome to … What are these/those?They’re …Are these/those …? Yes, they are./No, they aren’t

2.能听懂、会说、会读词汇:they’re=they are, pig, cow, chicken, duck

3.能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇:farm, they, pig, apple, those



1.句型:What are these/those? Are these/those …?的语调和用法。

2.词汇:farm, they, those, chicken, apple, pear的读音;a和an用法的区别;名词复数形式。




Step1 Before class

Listen and Sing a song:Old Mac Donald had a farm

Step 2. Warming up

1. Free talk.

T:Hello,boys and girls.I’m your new English teacher,Miss Wang.

I’m very glad to be here.

I want to be your friend.

OK,firstly,I want to know your names.

T:What’s your name? Who’s your friend?

Nice to meet you.Welcome to my class.(PPT)

S:Thank you.

2. Learn to say:Welcome to …


3. Lead-in and learn

T: Boys and girls,we sang a song before class.We were very happy.

We saw a lot of animals there.Right?(PPT出现农场画面)

They were on the farm.

Learn ‘on the farm’。

Step 3. Presentation and practice

1.Learn : What are these/those? And ‘pigs/cows/ducks/chickens’

(1)What are these?They’re pigs.

(2) Are these pigs?No,

What are these?They’re cows.

(3) What are those?They’re …s.

Are those …?Yes./No.


2. Let’s say.A chant

These,these. What are these?

Pigs,pigs. They’re pigs.

Those,those. What are those?

Cows,cows. They’re cows.

Step 4.Text-learning

1.Task 1 : Let’s listen! Who is on the farm too? (谁也在农场?)

2.Task 2 : Listen and tick:What’s on the farm?

3,Task 3 : Let’s watch: (欣赏动画,将农场上的动植物摆在正确的位置。)

A. pigs

B. cows

C. apples

D. pears

4.Task 4 : Let’s follow.(跟读) ☆ 注意语音语调 ☆ 要读出感情哦

5.Task 5 : Let’s read. (让我们读吧!)分角色朗读。

6.Task 6 : Farm show! (农场秀!)(发挥想象创编并表演,说得越多越好哦!)

T:It’s great fun to visit a farm. Liu Tao and Mike have great fun on the farm. It’s great fun to have a farm,too.

30 years later, you’re grown up. Someone may have a wonderful farm. Would you please show your friends around your farm? Make a dialogue in groups.

A model:

A (farmer): Look! I have a farm! Look! They’re pigs!/They’re cows! Welcome to my farm, Mr …!

B: Oh, thank you! My good friend, Mr/Miss …

A: Nice to see you!

B: Nice to see you! What are these?

A: They’re … They’re lovely!

Would you like a …?

B: Yes, please. Thank you! I like… What are those?

A: They’re …s. They’re sweet. Would you like … ?

B: Yes, please. It’s yummy!

A: Do you like my farm?

B: Yes. It’s great!

A: Welcome to my farm next time!

B: Thank you. Bye-bye!

A: Goodbye!

Step 5. Ticking time

Ticking time

I can talk about things on a farm.

I can act things on a farm.

Step 6. Homework

1.Read Story time for 5 times.

2.Make your performance better.

3.Visit a farm if it’s possible.


Unit 7 On the farm

--What are these/those?

--They’re …s.

--Are these/those …s?

--Yes./No,they’re …s.



1. 知识目标:学习用动词来描述动作

2. 能力目标:运用标志来发命令

3. 情感目标:培养学生遵守纪律的习惯


Using imperatives to express prohibitions


tape, radio, some picture cards



1. Daily talk

2. Act out the dialogue


1. Some phrases: in the pond on the river under the tree

2. Some drills: Where is the fountain? It’s near the tree. Where are the birds? They’re in the aviary.

3. Ask and answer: Where is the…? It’s in the…


1. Teaching the sign “ close the door” Open the door of the classroom, then draw a sign: Close the door on the board. Say and write: Close the door. Prompt an individual student to close the door. Introduce: a sign Show some signs to the students

2. Draw other signs in Look and read on one side of the board. Don’t feed the birds. Don’t pick the flowers. Don’t climb the trees. Don’t walk on the grass. Don’t play in the pond.

Read these signs

Look and say

Guessing game

3. Draw a park scene on the board, then practice the signs

Talk about the park

Ask students to copy the signs you have drawn on the board and put them in the right places in the park.

Encourage the students to include other signs that they might find in the park.


1. Listen and repeat

2. Have the students work in pairs to write the numbers of the signs in the appropriate red circles.

3. Distribute a copy of photocopiable page 36 to each student.

Find the correct signs.