教育巴巴 > 小学教案 > 英语教案 > 四年级 >


时间: 沐钦 四年级





1、能听、说、认读单词warm/cool/hot/cold/weather report

2、能听、说、认读句子:Good morning. This is the weather report.It’s …in….





⑴我国各地的天气状况;单词weather report的发音

⑵how is the weather today句型的掌握。





2、板书: How is the weather today?


4、把How is the weather today?和It is ...谈论天气的句型给学生进行讲解。

5、教会学生本课重点单词:cloud 、wind 、sonw、 rain、 sun、warm、hot、cold、cool单词。


Guessing game : Warm or cold?

A:It’s cold or warm in our classroom.

B:It’s warm.Now Let’s play a game.

A:It’s warm or cold in   Beijing  ?


A:It’s _______ in  Hainan . Is it warm/cold in  Hainan ?


A:It’s hot in Hainan.教读单词hot.

B:t’s hot. I’d like some watermelon. What would you like?

A:I'd like some...


Let’s chant

Weather, weather, weather report.

This is the weather report.

This is the weather report.

Cold, cold, it’s cold in   Harbin  .

Warm, warm, it’s warm in   Beijing  .

Hot, hot, it’s hot in  Hong Kong .

Cool, cool, it’s cool in   Lhasa  .




Grandma cooked fish?



1 Vocabulary: him laugh dance stop last

2 Sentences: Did Dad cook lunch? Yes,hedid./No,hedidn’t.

3 Grammar: using the past tense.




重点:him laugh dance stop last

Did Dad cook lunch?

Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t.

难点:using the past tense.



(一)导入:Warming up

T: Hi, boys and girls! Yesterday I talked with my friends and I watched TV. What about you? Did you watch TV yesterday?

S1: Yes, I did.

T: Did you listen to music yesterday?

S2: No, I didn’t

T: Did you clean the house?

S3: Yes, I did. 

T: What did they do yesterday? Point and say (show the 6 pictures on page 35) (screen)

S1: Grandma cooked fish

(二)探究新知Review and leading

•Let’s come to the Smarts. What are they in their family? What did they do yesterday? Are you clear?

Listen to the tape and repeat (CAI)

Listen to the tape and answer the questions.

S1: Answer the questions.

3 New concepts

•T: Now this class we’re going to learn Module 9 Unit 2 Did Dad cook lunch?

Pair work Talk about the pictures on page 36 (CAI)

S1: Did Dad cook noodles yesterday? S2: Yes, he did.

Complete Ex 1 Listen and match

Ask some students to give the similar questions.

S1: Ask S2: Answer.

•Find out the past tense of the verbs, Underline the past verbs.

Read the verbs after the teacher. Which is new word? Ask students to point out.

S1: Point out the new words.

Learn to say the new words (cards) .Then listen, say and chant.


•Talk about something about your last weekend.

S1: I talked with my grandma last weekend.

S2: I played football last weekend.

S3: I …

•Let’s play a game. Guess what he/she did last weekend?

S1: Last weekend, I …

S2: Did you play tennis last weekend?

S1: No, I didn’t.

S3: Did you watch TV last weekend?

S1: No, I didn’t. 

S4: Did you play football last weekend?

S1: Yes, I did.

David 8 groups to play the game.

Complete Ex 3 at the same time.



板书设计Designs of the blackboard

Unit 2 Grandma cooked fish?

Did Dad cook lunch? Yes, he did.

No, he didn’t.



Did you have a nice holidy?



a.Key words and phrases: north, south

b.Sentences: Beijing is the capital of China.

c.Task aim:

1. Go on learning the position words, Learn about China and America from this.

2. Introduce some cities position and choose some cities to practice.

过程与方法: 课文、方向、对比



重点:Key words and phrases: north, south

Sentences: Beijing is the capital of China.

难点:Task aim:

1. Go on learning the position words, Learn about China and America from this.

2. Introduce some cities position and choose some cities to practice.



(一)导入:1. Singing a song together.

Choose your favorite country and describe it ( position capital nice city)

Teacher shows the picture of Beijing, Sanya, Washington, and San Francisco on TV.

(二)探究新知Q: Do you like Beijing? And look at it

S: Describe it (position…)

Q: There is a famous city in China, What is it / It’s very hot.

S: Sanya and describe it.

And use the same way to show Washington (to teach north, south, east, and west) We can use a map to learn four words.

Listen and match. Then point and say (consolidate to remember the four position words) Finish the part 1on Activity book.

Give them 2’ to remember the new words and the meaning of it .Then finish the part 1 on Activity book. Check the answer in groups

Point ,ask and answer

Show some pictures on TV.( on the blackboard)

(三)巩固新知A: Where is New York? B: It’s in the east.

( Look at pictures and describe the position of it )

Show a map of China and deal with the part 3 on activity book.Do you have a friend? If you have, please draw her / his house .And tell us where is his / her house?

(Practice “I live in Beijing. My friend lives in …)



1. Practice to read and remember the new words .( look at the phonetic symbol and say them out)

2. Important sentences ( make a simple translation)


Unite 2 Did you have a nice holidy?




1、掌握单词 eraser paper

2、认识单词 pencil case scissors

3、掌握句型 Where is it?以及方位词 in on under above below beside behind in font of


1、eraser paper

2、句型 Where is it?及回答。

教学难点:句型 Where is it?及回答。



一、 Greeting

Teacher: How are you ?

Students: Fine , thank you. How are you?

Teacher : Fine ,thanks.

二、 Review

1、 Teacher:What's your name?

Student: My name is_____.

Teacher :What's his/her name?

Student: His / Her name is _______.


2、 What is it?What' s this? What are these?

三、 New concept

1、 What's this?

A、教师利用实物提问What's this?学生用汉语回答生词。教师将pen ,eraser, paper, perncil case,




What's this? T his is a

W hat are these? These are

2、 Where is it?


Teacher: What's this?

S tudents: This is a pencil.

教师将铅笔放在课桌上 ,问:

Where is the pencil? The pencil is on the desk.


C 、练习

1、 教师说指令学生做:put sth in(on ,under, on ,beside……)the________

2、 学生之间互相练习。

3、 教师提问:Where is the _____?

The ______is ______the _______.


4、 作业:活动手册1、2




Words and phrases: capital, about, beautiful, be from

Sentences: I’m from London.

London is the capital of England.

It’s very big and very beautiful.

Grammar: the present tense




重点:Words and phrases: capital, about, beautiful, be from

Sentences: I’m from London.

London is the capital of England.

It’s very big and very beautiful.

难点:Grammar: the present tenseX K b1. C om




(一)导入:A: Chant: This is a little girl, and she has a little curl. And when she is good, she is very, very good. And when she is bad, she is very, very bad!

B: Talk Free:

T: Hello! Boys and girls. I’m a teacher. Are you a teacher?

S1: No, I’m not.

S2: No, I’m a pupil.

T: Are you naughty?

S3: No, I’m not.

T: Are you clever?

S4: Yes, I am.……

(反复操练,以此复习上节所学到的描述人物性格的单词:naughty, shy, clever, nice, cool.)


Step 一、导入

利用卡片教授“capital”, 反复领读,读熟之后带入句子“London is the capital of England.”中。Then translate it into Chinese. 找生用英语说出“北京是中国的首都。”鼓励学生踊跃参加抢答赛“说首都”,学生可以用中文说。

Step 二、新授

在愉快的氛围中,师告诉学生:“Amy 和Lingling 是同班同学。一天,Amy 带来了一本关于自己家乡—伦敦的书。Lingling 看见这本书后非常好奇,于是就请Amy 向她介绍伦敦的情况。现在我们就来跟 Amy 学一学怎样描述城市和景物。 今天学习过后,请大家也来介绍一下自己熟悉的城市、地区或景物。

请学生听录音,听一听Amy 和 Lingling 之间的对话。师:“Where is London?” 生在地图上指出伦敦的位置。

再放一遍录音,让学生在自己的书上勾出描述城市的形容词 (nice, big, beautiful, small)。



完成SB 第一单元活动3。 把全班分成两人一组,分别扮演 Amy 和 Lingling,进行问答练习。

例如:1、A: What’s this? B: It’s a book about London. It’s very nice.

2、A: What’s the capital of England? B: It’s London.




Module 2

Unit 1 London is a big city.

It’s a book about London.

London is the capital of England.




Words and phrases: long, wide, many, river, old, famous

Sentences: This is the River Thames.It’s long and wide.

Grammar: Using adjectives to describe cities and buildings.




重点:Words and phrases: long, wide, many, river, old, famous

Sentences: This is the River Thames.

It’s long and wide.

难点:Grammar: Using adjectives to describe cities and buildings.



教学过程:X k B 1 . c o m

(一)导入:A: Song: Chant: This is a little girl.

B: Talk about: Using adjectives to describe a person’s personality and London.

(二)探究新知Step one、 Warmer:

Revise adjectives. Tell the students that I am going to say an adjective. They have to find something in their books that the adjective describes. Ask two or three students to say which object the chose.

Example:T: It’s big. S1: (points to London) London.

S2: (points to elephant) Elephant. S3: (points to Beijing) Beijing.

Do more examples with the class.

Step two、Listen, point and say:

1、Listen, point and find out the new words and underlime them. Then revise them using cards or pictures. (Write down these words on the board.)

2、After doing this, tell the students to close their books. I am going to say the first word of a two-word place name. These places are all in London. The students have to say the second word of the two-word name.


T: Buckingham… Ss: …Palace.

T: Hyde… Ss:…Park.

3、Have the students continue the activity in pairs. They should take turn to say the first word.

4、Showing four pictures on the screen about "the River Thames", "Big Ben", "Hyde Park", and "Tower Bridge". (Write down these words.) The same time, I am going to read the text for the students. Have them remember the sentences. The second times, ask some students to introduce the pictures.

5、Games: Guessing game.

6、Do AB Unit 2 exercise 1. Quiz: Listen and say the answers.

7、Showing AB Unit2 exercise 2 on the screen. Do this exercise together.

(三)巩固新知Step three Practice

1、Do SB Unit2 activity 4. Listen and point. First, have students say something about these pictures. Then listen and guess which one is right. X|k | B | 1 . c|O |m

2、Do AB Unit2 exercise 4. Write about your school building.

Step four、 Learn to sing

1、Have the students look at the picture and describe it (children playing a game).

2、Tell the students that this song, 'London Bridge is falling down' is a traditional English song. Explain that London Bridge is a very famous bridge in London.

3、Play the spoken version of the song and have the students repeat each line. Play the tape and have the students sing the song.

4、Explain the actions and have the class sing the song again. Choose some students to come to the front and play it. Let's see "Who is the winner?"

Have the students sing and do the actions after class.


1、Guessing game

Tell the students that I am going to say adjectives and they have to think of some places in China that these adjectives describe.

Example T: Old. S1: Great Wall. S2: Palace Museum.




Unit 2 It’s very old.

The River Thames —— long and wide

Big Ben —— old and tall

Hyde Park —— beautiful

Tower Bridge —— famous and beautiful



1.复习巩固描述人物特征的形容词:quiet, friendly, tall, thin, small, long hair;复习巩固用颜色及物品。

2.复习巩固句型:let’s…, let me…, Who’s he/she? He’s/She’s…, He/She has…, What’s her/his name? 。



2、人称代词及物主代词he, she, his, her 的正确运用。


1.Fred, Kate, Ben, Ann等人物图片。


3.Read aloud and match the pictures部分的录音。



1.播放教材第25页Let’s chant的录音,复习形容词tall, strong, short, thin, friendly, quiet及人称代词He, She。

2.播放教材第30页Let’s sing的录音,进一步复习描述人物的形容词,通过歌曲来活跃气氛,提高学生学习的兴趣。

(二)呈现新课 (Presentation)

1.Let’s play a guessing game.让我们来玩个猜猜猜游戏:

师:I have a good friend. He’s/She’s…. He’s/She’s…. He/She has…. Who is he/she?

通过描述班上一个或几个特征较为明显的学生,让学生通过猜来学习运用本课重点词汇:quiet, friendly, tall, thin, small, glasses, brown shoes, a blue bag, long hair, short hair, he, she等。

2.出生Look and find部分挂图或Fred, Kate, Ben, Ann等人物图片,通过连线进一步练习句型He’s/She’s…. He’s/She’s…. He/She has…. Who is he/she? 及词汇quiet, friendly, tall, thin, small, glasses,brown shoes, a blue bag, long hair, short hair, he, she等知识。

3.播放Read aloud and match the pictures部分录音,让学生完成在图片中的标号。

4.完成Read aloud and match the pictures部分的另两幅图片的对话。


(1) A: Oh, my schoolbag is heavy.

B: What’s in your schoolbag?

A: I have an English book, a math , a storybook…

(2) A: Who is he? He’s tall and he has brown hair.

B: He’s my friend. He’s new here.

A: What’s his name?

B: His name is…

(三)趣味操练 (Practice)

1.通过猜学生熟悉的动画人物或电影电视明星入手,培养学生综合运用所学知识的能力,如:what’s his/her name? His/Her name is…;He’s/She’s…. He’s/She’s…. He/She has…



