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时间: 沐钦 英语教案




Ss complete table 1 in groups by listing the words or phrases related to the weather and the time of day or year;[slide 8][学案Ex.Ⅱ(2)] 培养学生体会诗歌大意和捕捉诗歌细节信息的能力;IW, GW7'Step 5Second reading:

T presents reading strategy 3;

Ss read the two poems again; in pairs identify sentences in unusual order, reorder them in regular ways.

T explains the verbal phrases:

settle (oneself), be drowned in,pull in (one's head)

[slide 9-10]


分步处理生词和短语的用法CW, PW10'Step 6Third reading:

T presents reading strategy 2;

Ss read the poems again and complete table 2 by identifying what people in the poems do and how they feel.

[slide 11-12]


培养学生提取主要信息的能力IW,5 'Step 7Ss listen to the tape and read after it.[slide 13]有声输入,整体感知诗歌的美感;CW,3'

Post-reading: 7 minStep 8Ss do Ex.4[slide 14]检测学生是否准确获取两首诗的主要信息;IW,3'Step 9Ss in pairs retell what happened in poem B according to Table 2, with s1 retelling the first 6 stanzas and s 2 dealing with the last half.[slide 14]培养学生把提取的信息变成自己的语言;把poem B 分成两部分来复述,降低输出的难度。PW'4'HomeworkLanguage Power p. 84,Ex.2 Vocabulary

p 91, Ex.5 Synonyms[slide 15]第二课时

Second Period


1. 发现诗歌中韵脚的使用;

2. 找到诗句中塑造的意象;

3. 总结两首诗的从内容到情感等方面的异同之处;

4. 在日常描写中尝试使用意象。

教学活动Activities设计意图Intentions互动模式&时间IP & timeReview:6 minStep 1Ss review the vocabulary they have learned with a spider map and blanks filling; and do Ex.1 on p. 84;

[Slide 2-3]


激活已学的词汇;CW4'Step 2Ss recall the main ideas of each poem by Table 2.[slide 4][学案Ex.Ⅱ]



Read to learn:22 minStep 3Ss read poem A aloud and observe the last words in each line; generalize the regularity of the sounds of these words. T presents the term for the regularity, rhyme.

Ss read poem B and in pairs generalize the regular sound pattern within and across the stanzas: it is rhymed too.

T elicits from ss why both poets put words in poem in disorderly manner.

[slide 5-7]



引导学生对诗歌中字词顺序异于常态话语这一现象做出结论。IW, PW, CW8'Step 3T presents Reading strategy 4, exemplifies what an image is and explains the function of images;

[slide 8-11]


T presents two more examples from poem B and asks ss to think about how the two work on the reader's mind; Ss present their ideas.

T explains it: images work by means of descriptions, e.g. adj., comparison.[slide 12]培养学生发掘诗句中的意象的能力。CW,8'Step 4Ss work in groups and complete Table 3.




Comprehensive practice:8 minStep 5T elicits from ss how poem A and B are similar in the following ways: topic, time, image and rhyme.

Ss in pairs list differences between the two; present their list orally.

[slide 15-16]

调动学生在已有的知识和信息基础上自主归纳、总结,锻炼口头表达;IW, PW,8'

Application: 8 minStep 7Ss work in groups to complete Ex.8 and present the group work result.[slide 17][学案Ex.Ⅴ]


Homework:1 min

Language Power p. 86-87,Ex.1 Focus on Reading (with Culture Corner on p. 44 as reference)[slide 18]



Teaching Aims and demands

本单元通过学习马克·吐温的《百万英镑》并改编成短剧形式的课文,学生能初步了解作者的风格。学生应能在教师的指导下,排演这个短剧。通过对话课的学习与操练,学生接触表示坚持个人意见的常用语句,并要求学生运用到实际会话中。学习并初步掌握as if和no matter引导让步状语从句的用法。 Teaching important and difficult points 1.单词 run, choice, note, change, fool, order, pleasant, right, assistant, customer, foolish, insist, tailor depend, favo(u)r , apologize, excited 2.词组 shop assistant, a clothes shop, give back, or else, change…for …, in the sun, try on, depend on, take place, get off, put on, drop in, once upon a time, do up, in fact, keep back, play the part of, next to 3.交际用语 There seems to be something wrong with it. I would like you to change this blouse. You sold me a blouse that I can’t use any more. I am afraid I can’t do that right now. Why can’t you do something about it? Is anything the matter? 4.语法 学习as if和no matter的用法。



在Lesson 38课,建议教师应组织学生1)以节目的形式演出这段对话。2)教师可选取录像或多媒体形式完成此课的教学任务。3)教师把学生分成三人一组,适当准备一些道具排演本课的最后结局的短剧。4)教师要求学生找出能刻画服装店老板人物特征和心理变化的相关语句。如:There’s a customer, Tod, Will you serve him? / No matter what he is wearing , Tod, just show him the cheapest./Come, come. Get him his change, Tod..


本单元对话是讲述在服装店调换衣服的经过,学生对其内容较易理解,但一些新单词的用法应掌握,如:customer, run, insist, change…for…。本课中也提供了给学生做相应对话的练习,如:A pair of trousers, A radio的口语练习。

教学重点难点 1.serve的用法

1)serve(sb.) as sth.表示“为(某人)工作,(尤指)当佣人”。

He served as a gardener and chauffeur.他做园艺工人兼司机。


He has served his country well.他为国尽职。

3)serve sb. (with sth.). 表示“将(饭菜)端上桌。”

Four waiters served lunch for us.有四位服务员招待我们吃午饭。

4)serve 还可用于“(在商店等处)接待(顾客)或为顾客取货物”的意思中。

Are you being served?有售货员接待您吗?

He served some sweets to the children.他为孩子们拿来了他们想要的糖。

5)serve 还指“(一份饭)够……”。

This packet of soup serves two.这包汤料够两个人食用。 2.judge的用法


We judge that they have finished.我们估计他们已经干完了。

We judge them to have finished.我们估计他们已经干完了。

She judged him about fifty.她估计他在五十岁左右。

The committee judged it better to start the investigation at once.委员会认为立即开始此项调查。

From his letter, we judged his visit to China a great success.从他的来信判断他对中国的访问非常成功。


I can’t judge whether she was right or wrong.我不能断定她是对还是错。

3)judge还可表示“评判,评价”,可说judge sb. / sth.

Don’t judge a man by his looks.勿以貌取人。

4)Judging by / from…(从……来看,据……来判断)是惯用短语,可用来引导独立分句。

Judging from his looks ,he may be sick.从外表看,他或许生病了。

Judging by his accent, he must be from Guangdong.听口音,他准是个广东人。 3.get off的用法

1)get off意为“脱下”。

It’s rather hot today, we must get off the jacket.今天太热了,我们必须脱下夹克衫。

2)注意:get off还可作“下车”;“离开”;“出发”;“起飞”解。

As soon as I got off the bus, I started for the village on foot. 我一下公共汽车,就开始步行到村里去。

We must get off at once or we' II be late我们必须马上走,否则要迟到了。

We got off immediately after breakfast.我们一吃过早饭就出发了。 The plane got off on time. 飞机准时起飞。


1)in favor (of )表示“赞成、主张”,常用作表语或后置定语。

The students were in favor of reform. 学生赞成改革。

2)do sb. a favor或do a favor for sb. 是个正式的礼貌用语,意思是


Would you do me a favor? 帮我一下好吗?

Do me a favor by turning off the radio. 帮我把收音机关掉。

Do me the favor to come. 务请光临。

注:do sb. a favor后接of doing 或不定式时,应将不定冠词a改为定冠词the。

5.put down的用法


Put down your name and your telephone number.写下你的名字和电话号码。

Put this down in your notebook for future reference.这点记在你的笔记本上,以供今后参考。


The fire was finally put down by the firemen.大火最后终于被_员扑灭了。 6.as if的用法

as if 是连词词组,作“好像”、“好似”解,引导表语从句,用于下列句型中:

It looks/seems as if ....表示“看起来似乎……”。其中It为无人称代词,本身并无词义。looks / seems是连系动词,as if引出表语从句。

It looks as if it is going to show. 看来,要下雪。

It seemed as if the suit was made to his own measure. 这套衣服看来似乎是按尺寸给他定做的。

除此之处,as if也可以引导方式状语从句,修饰主句的谓语,此时从句中的谓语动词常用虚拟语气。关于这一点,暂可不必向学生交代。

The woman loves the children as if she were their mother.这个妇女爱这些孩子,她好像就是他们的妈妈一样。

7. no matter 的用法

no matter作“无论”、“不管”解,用以引导表示让步的状语从句,常用在下列句型中: 句型中的No matter what (who/when etc.)...分别表示“无论何事”、“无论何人”、“无论何时”等,这个从句可以置主句之前,也可以置主句之后。

由no matter + what等引导的让步状语从句。No matter后面接关系代词或关系副词引导状语从句在句中作让步状语。

No matter what you do, you must be very careful.不管做什么事,你都必须非常细心。

No matter之后可用what以外的关系代词或关系副词。例如:

No matter who you are (=Whoever you are), I’ll never let you in.无论你是谁,我绝不让你进去。

No matter which…无论哪一个……

No matter which you choose(=Whichever you choose), you will be satisfied.不论你选择哪一个,你都会满意的。

No matter where…无论何处;不管在哪里……

No matter where I go (=Wherever I go) , I will be thinking of you. 无论我到哪里,我都会想着你。

No matter when …无论何时,不管什么时候……  I’ll discuss it with you no matter when you like(=whenever like). 你什么时候高兴,我愿意同你讨论这件事。

No matter how..不管……如何;无论……多么……

No matter how hard you try(=However hard you try), you will never be successful. 不管你如何努力,你都不会成功的。 8.drop in, drop in on 与drop in at的区别

drop in 意为“顺便走访” He often drops in for tea. 他经常顺便来喝茶。

drop in on 后接人意为“顺便拜访某人”。

She dropped in on me yesterday.

drop in at后接表示地点的名词意为“顺便来(去)某处看看”。

Tom usually drops in at my place on his way home. 答题时要注意drop in后所接的名词表示的意思。

Jane used to ____ the tailor’s on her way home from work.

A. drop in B. drop in on C. drop in at D. drop at

詹妮以前常下班后去成衣店看看。the tailor’s 表示地点,故正确答案为C。



The boy ran off as soon as we appeared.我们一来,孩子们都跑了。

She used to run when she was at college.在大学时她经常练跑步。


Buses to Oxford run every half hour.去牛津的公共汽车每半小时一班。

The trains don’t run on Christmas Day.圣诞节火车停驶。


Could you run me a hot bath?你给我放盆热水洗澡好吗?

Your nose is running.你又流鼻涕了。


I’m afraid the color ran when I washed your new skirt.很遗憾,



It was so hot that the butter ran.天太热,黄油开始化了。

The wax began to run. 蜡开始融化了。


He has no idea of how to run the successful business.他不知道把企业办好的方法。

Stop trying to run my life for me.我的生活用不着你来管。 10.Come, come. Get him his change. Tod. ( = Hurry up. Tod, Give the man his change.) 得了,得了,给他找钱吧,托德。


Come, come, Alice, you must be patient. 好了,爱丽丝,你得忍耐点。


Here is your change. 这是找给你的零钱。


Could you change a 10-yuon note, please? 你能换开10元钱吗?


SBIA Unit 6 Good manners



考点1. interrupt vt.& vi. 打断;中断;插嘴

May I interrupt you for a moment?

Don't interrupt me when I speak.


interrupt vt. & vi. 阻断;中断

interrupt vt. & vi. 打岔;插嘴;打断(别人谈话)

get in 插嘴

disturb vt. 打扰

(1)I apologized for ______________(打断)you.

(2)He _____________(中断)college to serve in the army.



(4)I had to _______ the meal to answer the phone.

A. disturb B. puzzle C. get D. interrupt

D。interrupt 此处的意思是"中断"。disturb用作及物动词,意思是"打扰"。



He interrupted our talk rudely.

考点2. apologise vi. 道歉

Learn to apologise to people.

Ladies and gentlemen, I do apologise for the delay to your service.


apologize to sb. for (doing) sth. 向某人为某事(为做了某事)道歉

apologize for oneself 为自已解辩或辩护

make/offer an apology to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人道歉

(1)I __________(道歉)to her for stepping on her foot.

(2)I have come to __________(道歉)to you.

(3)I'd shoot myself before I apologized to him.(英译汉)


(4)我因迟到向老师道歉。(写作小练笔:主谓+介词;be late)


考点3. forgive vt.(forgave, forgiven)原谅;饶恕

Forgive me. I'm very sorry.

She never forgave him for his lies.



I apologized to the teacher for being late.

forgive vi. 原谅

forgive sb. /sth. 原谅某人/某事

forgive sb. for sth. 原谅某人某事

forgive one's debts 免除债务等


(1)I'll never __________(原谅)you for what you have done wrong

to your parents.

(2)Please ____________(原谅)me ----I didn't mean to be rude.

(3)Forgive me for asking, but where did you get that dress?

(替换) ___________



考点4. behave vt. & vi. 举动;举止;行为表现

Having good table manners means knowing, for example, how to use knives and forks, when to drink a toast and how to behave at the table.

It's hard to train children to behave well at the table.

培养儿童用餐时举止得体是很困难的。forgiveforgiveExcuseWe forgave him his rudeness.

behave vi. 行为;举止

behave vt. & vi. 守规矩;举止适当有礼

behave oneself 举止(有礼)

behaviour n. 行为;举止;习性

(1)The little boy ___________(表现)with great courage in the

face of the robber.

(2)The young lady ___________(表现)bravely in the face ofdanger.(3)The children do not know how to ___________(举止)

themselves politely.


(写作小练笔:主谓+介词;get sb. disliked)


考点5. advice n.忠告;建议

For drinking during a dinner, the best advice is never to drink too much.behavedbehavedbehaveIf you behave like that, you'll get yourself disliked.

Tell me the reason why he refused to listen to my advice.


advice n.(用作不可数名词)劝告(美语中advice也可用作动词)

advice /advise sb to do 建议

advise sb. against sth. 劝某人不干某事

advise sb that 通知;告知

(1)I asked the teacher for her ________(建议).

(2)The doctor ___________(建议)me to take more exercise.

(3)They _________(建议)her against marrying quickly.

(4)我劝你立刻出发。(写作小练笔:主谓宾+宾补(to do);start)


考点6. stare vi. 凝视;盯着看

Don't laugh at, stare at or make jokes about disabled people.

If you stare at people like that, you might upset them.


stare at sb. or sth. 凝视;盯住adviceadvisedadvisedI advise you to start at once.

stare into the distance 凝视远方

stare sb. into silence 把某人盯得沉默

fix one's eyes upon 专注;凝视

glare at 怒目而视

(1)Standing still, he __________(凝视)into the distance.

(2)She __________(瞪)him into silence.

(3)He __________(盯着)at the word trying to remember whatit meant.(4)我们惊奇地注视着他。

(写作小练笔:主谓+介词;in amazement)


(5)He ________at the girl as if seeing her for the first time.

A. glared B. stared C. fixed his eyes D. watched out

B。stare at盯着看。staredstaredstaredWe stared at him in amazement.

考点7. leave out 省去;遗漏;不考虑

The extra information can be left out.

I think this paragraph can be left out.


leave out 省去;删去; 遗漏

leave over 留下, 剩下

leave behind 丢弃;留下;忘记携带

leave alone 不管,不理会;不打扰

leave sth. as it is 听任某事自然发展

leave sb. to himself 对某人不加干涉

(1)Make sure that nothing ____________(漏掉)of the matter.

(2)If you can't think of the answer to the question, ________

(略去)it out.

(3)The printer _____________________ (遗漏了两行)from thisparagraph.(4)我把一些重要的细节漏掉了。(写作小练笔:主谓宾;details)


is left outleavehas left out two lines

I left out some important details.


The teacher stressed again that the students should not ___________any important details while retelling the story.


A. bring out B. let out C. leave out D. make out


【解析】此题考查动词短语辨析。leave out"遗漏;省略",即要求讲故事时不应遗漏细节。bring out"提出"; let out"泄

露"; make out"辨认出"。

考点8. In China you sometimes get a hot, damp cloth to clean your face and hands, which, however, is not the custom in western countries.



Bamboo is hollow, which makes it very light.


which 引导非限制性定语从句,代替整个句子,且不能在句首;as也可引导非限制性定语从句,指大家熟悉的事情或常理,可以


用as, which填空:

(1)He turned out very successful, ________ was more than we

could expect.

(2)He said that he had never seen her before, _______ was nottrue.(3)_____ is known to all, she is one of the best students.

(4)______ we had expected, he won the game.

(5)He won the game, _________ we hadn't expected.


They've won their last three matches, ________I find a bit surprising actually. (2009年高考辽宁卷)

A. that B. when C. what D. which




《Tomorrow’s world》教学设计

Part One: Teaching Design

第一部分 教学设计

Aims and requirements

? Read a formal proposal and summaries of three science fiction novels.

? Listen to facts and opinions and an interview about computer use.

? Discuss your views on technology and interview a classmate about his or her computer use.

? Write a proposal for a computer room and a short science fiction story.Procedures● Welcome to the Unit

Step 1: Brainstorming1.1) As is known, most people love reading science fiction stories. These stories allow people to use their imagination and think about what life will be like in the future. What do you like most about science fiction stories? In order for all of us to have a good understanding of the text, try to design and make a poster for one of the science fiction stories you were asked to brought to class. How did you feel when you were reading the story? Draw several pictures which highlight the main characters and scenes in the story. You may also choose one scene in the story that you liked the most and draw one picture of this scene.2.2) Please tell your science fiction story in groups of four. Then I'll ask a few students to tell your stories in front of the class.

3. Now I'd like to ask you some questions which will help you to find out the main characteristics of science fiction stories.

What do you like most about science fiction stories, the characters, plot or the language used?

Why do you think so many people are interested in science fiction stories?

( Because they allow people to use their imagination and think about what life will be like in the future.)4.4) Now look, here's a stick in my hand. This stick is a 'magic wand" and it can be used to make things happen in the future. Please have a discussion about the following questions and express your opinions freely.

What will life be like in the year 2080?

What would you like to happen by 2080?

What would you not like to see in 2080?

If you could use the magic wand to make one thing happen in the future, what would it be?

5. Read the instructions and focus on the four pictures. Discuss the pictures in pairs. (P41)Picture 1:What is the robot doing in this picture? (Serving dinner for the master.)

What else can a robot do?

Do you think robots can do everything for humans? Why or why not? (Robots can do a lot of repetitive or tedious things for human beings, for example, they can help people do housework; with the help of robots, more high-tech products can be produced, which will make people's lives more convenient; what's more, robots can help people do boring or dangerous work so that people can have time to relax.)

Do you think you will have a robot at home in the future?Picture 2:Where are the passengers going? (To the Moon or to Mars.)

Do you believe that one day traveling to the Moon or to Mars would be just like traveling to another city? Why or why not?

If you had a chance, would you like to fly to the Moon or another planet?Picture 3:What are the people in this picture doing? (Having a birthday party.)

How old is the man? (200 years old.)

What do you think a 200-year-old man would look like? Do you think the man in the picture looks that old?

Do you think people can live that long in the future? Why or why not? (With the development of genetic research, scientists can find out the secret of living longer. In the future, human beings can live much longer than we live today.)Picture4:Can you tell where these "people" are and what they are doing there? (In the office.)

Can you tell who these "people" are and what they are doing there? (Apparently some of the people sitting in the office are not human beings. They are aliens from outer space. The aliens and the human beings are discussing something in the office.

What problems are the aliens and the people probably talking about? (They are probably discussing peace issues in the Galaxy or trade affairs between other planets and the Earth.)

What is the relationship between them? (Workmates.)


Step 2: Sharing information

1. Form your own groups and discuss the three questions listed under the four pictures first.

2. Express your opinions freely and report your responses back to the whole class.

Sample answers

1. Yes. With the development of science and technology, human beings could travel wherever they want in the future. The Moon and other planets could eventually become tourist destinations. Travelling to the Moon or to another planet might be as easy as traveling to another city. You might just have to book a ticket, get packed and think about what present you would like to bring back to your friends on the Earth.

2. In my point of view, robots could do almost everything in the future. With the development of science and technology, they may be designed almost the same as humans. They could help people do boring and dangerous work. For example, it would be possible for robots to be lowered to the ocean floor and left to explore the ocean; robots could play an important role in exploration missions to other planets; they could also be the companions of humans and assist humans physically and psychologically, that is, they could perform more useful functions than just entertainment. All in all, robots could do much more in the future than we can imagine today.

3. New technology seems like magic, it can do a lot of amazing things that we could never imagine before, I'd like to see that a virtual world could be created with the help of technology so that people could live in both a real world and a virtual one. We could not only play games, travel or experience excitement in the virtual world, but also we could do whatever we can do in reality.4.3. More questions for you to answer:

Do you think robots will replace human beings in the future?

What things do you think robots can't do?ResourcesRobots

One high-tech industry that is growing quickly in the 21st century is robots. Nowadays scientists are doing research and trying to build humanoid robots with arms and legs that can move freely. It has been reported that modern robots can even have thoughts and facial expressions. Robots can do a lot of work autonomously for humans. For more information about robots, you may check the following website:

●Reading Not just watching a filmResourcesVirtual reality cinema

A virtual reality cinema is one where computer graphics, sound effects, chemically produced odours and electrical sensors are used to create a complete environment, giving people the opportunity to have an enhanced interactive experience by exciting all five of their senses. Sensors that are triggered by movement are used to make the participant feel as if they are moving through this artificial environment. If you need more information, you can visit the following website:

Step 1: Leading-in

1. The reading material is a business proposal about RealCine, a virtual reality cinema which is supported by extraordinary technology. You are required to learn some information about how this product works, why it is better than ordinary cinema, and how it can be used in many other ways.

Ok, now some questions for you:

Do you like reading novels?

What kind of novel do you like best? What about science fiction novels?

Why do you like them or not?

2. Science fiction is often about the things that may be possible in the far future. It can help us develop our minds and imagination. Let's watch the extracts from the film Alien.

What kind of feelings do you have after watching it?

Maybe you can strongly feel the rapid development of science and technology after watching the film. We will sense more advanced technology in the film industry.

Step 2: Fast reading for general ideas

1. The article in this section is a business proposal which introduces a new business idea. Skim and scan the proposal and try to find answers to the three questions in Part A. Focus on the most important information needed to answer the questions. Pay attention to the structure of the passage.Answers1. A virtually reality cinema called RealCine.

2. All five of our senses.

3. My ninety-year-old grandfather.

2. Read the proposal carefully and complete Part C1. Questions in Part C1 are to check your ability of locating specific information.Answers1. The proposal is about a virtual reality cinema: RealCine.

2. The technology behind this product is virtual reality.

3. They wear special VR headsets and gloves.

4. A straw sensor delivers the special food and drink chemicals into the viewer's mouth.

5. He attended a World Cup final as the captain of the Brazilian football team and scored the winning goal. He was asked to sign his name for his fans.

6. Because VR is not real.

7. They could be trained using RealCine without the risk of being sent into a burning building.

3. Discuss the article and analyse the structure. Conclude the main idea of each part of this article.StructureMain idea

Introduction(Para1)The abstract of the proposalMain body(Paras2-7)

How RealCine works;

Why RealCine is better than ordinary cinema;

How it can be used in other ways.Conclusion(Para 8)

Conclusion of the proposal

Step 3: Detailed reading for important information

1. Do Part C2. You can refer to the chart you analyzed before.

C2 1. Paragraphs 3and 4.

2. Paragraphs 2, 5 and 6.

3. Paragraph 7.

2. Answer the following question and fill in the chart according to the proposal.

How can RealCine excite the viewers' five senses?SenseThings needed

Effect in RealCineSightSpecial VR headsets

Viewers can see a world of 3D animation all around them.SoundSpecial VR headsets

Viewers can hear the sounds clearly all around them.SmellSmall openings in the headset

Smells are given out.TouchSpecial gloves

Viewers can touch people and objects in the film.TasteA straw sensor

Special food and drink chemicals are placed into the viewer's mouth.

3. Read the following sentences and think about the characteristics of the language used in this article.

I believe you will be amazed by the RealCine experience, and will agree that this is an extraordinary technology that must be developed further.

Viewers will be surprised at how real it feels.

RealCine works by making the viewers feel that they are actually in the film.

I am sure you will agree that RealCine provides a fantastic opportunity for the film-maker industry.

What do you think of the language used in these sentences? Don't you think that the language used here is quite attractive and persuasive and clear as well?

As a decision maker, do you think you would finally be persuaded to invest or develop RealCine? Why or why not?

The purpose of a business proposal is to plan or suggest a new idea. The goal is to help the customers or the investors make their decisions. Therefore, clear and persuasive language is often used.