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时间: 新华 英语教案




1. 能够听、说、读、写短语:on foot,by bike,by bus,by train。

2. 能够听、说、认读短语:by plane,by ship,by subway。

3. 能用句子,How d0 you go to school?How do you go to Canada/…?'来替换关 询问别人的出行方式;并能够用句子,I go by…'进行回答。

4. 能够听懂、会吟唱Let’s chant的歌谣。


教学重点、难点分析 : 本课时的教学重点和难点是掌握四会短语和A Let’s learn部分中运用某种交通具去某地的表达法,并能替换关键词进行问答。


1.热身(Warm-up) Let’s start

(1) 教师说:Today I go to school by bike/bus.Usually I go to school by bike/bus. 教师利用肢体动作帮助学生理解句子意思。然后问学生:What about you?Do you go by bike or by bus?Do you go on foot?Or by car?师生之间自由会话,引出几种常见的交通方式。

(2)自由会话之后,教师继续说:There are many ways to go somewhere.Look at these pictures.Do you know what they are?引导学生看本课时Let’s start部分的标图并回答问题。

2. 预习(Preview)

(1)复习频度副词:always,usually,often,sometimes,never的tob_id_3091读音与词义。有关活 动可借鉴五年级下册教师教学用书第一单元。

(2)Let’s chant 教师放本课时Let’s chant部分的录音,学生先静听一遍,再跟录音轻声吟唱一遍。教师再放录音,带着学生一起边唱边做动作:唱到on foot时,全班跺跺脚;唱到by Car/bike/bus/plane/train的时候,学生举起自己带来的玩具。然后教师根据歌谣内容随机出示Let’s learn部分的单词卡片加深学生印象,全班学生再跟录音边唱边做一遍。

3. 新课呈现(Presentation) Let’s learn

(1)教师拿出一辆玩具自行车,自问自答:,How do I go to school?I go to school by bike.'并在黑板上写下:by bike。教师再重复刚才的句子并问某一学生:0jWhat about you?How do you go to school?’’学生如果回答:,Me too!'教师就继续问下一名学生,直到有不同答案,教师帮助学生说出完整的句子:,I go。。to school by…'并将相应的短语写在黑板上。

(2)看短语贴卡片游戏 教师依次出示画着不同交通工具的短语卡片,让学生迅速地贴在黑板上的,by’’短语旁边,教师领读短语和句子,l go to school by…'

(3),快速反应'游戏 教师说出某个短语,如:by bike,让学生做相应的动作或迅速举起相应的道具(单词卡片)并说出句子,如:I go to school by bike.

(4)教师拿出刚才学生可能没有提到的交通工具的图片,如:by plane/subway/ ship/boat等,呈现和练习这些短语。然后指着课本上的配图问:,What can you see in the pictures?'注意引导学生,尤其是农村学生理解,地铁'的。含义:,It’s an underground railway in a city.It travels very fast.'教师领读新学短语。

(5)学生听录音,跟读Let’s learn部分的内容。教师注意纠正学生的语音、语调


(7)教师还可利用学生卡片背面的灰体词引导学生进行单词描红,学生边描边读,看谁又快又好。 Let’s play 教师请学生制作简易的单词卡片,一摞是地点,比如:school,Beijing,the US,the moon等;另一摞是交通方式,比如:by ship,by bike,by train等。教师鼓励!生大胆想象出行方式和所去地点。然后学生两人结对进行句型操练,一人问,How do you go to Beijing/the USA/the moon?'另一学生给出答案:,I go by train/plane/spaceship.'对于词汇表述上有困难的学生,教师要及时地提供帮助。对一些特别有创意的想法,教师可以写在黑板上加以鼓励。

4. 巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension)

(1)Main scene 教师引导学生看主情景图,说出其中表现的交通方式。学生多能说出:on foot by bike,by subway。如有学生问及小丑骑的独轮车以及幼儿骑的三轮儿童车教师可补充说明那分别是unicycle和tricycle;而自行车bike的另一说法:bicycle,意为两轮车。

(2)学生做Let’s learn部分的活动手册配套练习;教师指导学生规范书写。新学伊始,教师非常有必要对学生重申一下书写的要求。

(3)学生背诵并抄写四会单词;复习说唱歌谣。 (4)学生预习c Let’s sing部分的歌曲。



1. 能够听、说、读、写短语:visit my grandparents,see a film,take a trip,go to the supermarket.

2. 掌握重点句子What are you going to do?I am going to ...进行简单的提问与回答关于计划的相关动作,并在真实场景中运用所学语言进行真实交流和运用。



本课时的教学重点和难点是掌握四会短语和A Let's learn部分中进行简单的提问与回答关于计划的相关动作。


多媒体课件 单词图片




2.Let’s talk about our life.引用学过句型?,操练交流。

Step2 Presentation

(1)展示本部分的图片?,向学生提出两个问题?,并让学生回答。 Who are they?What are they talking about ?教师组织学生分为3-4人一个小组,尝试着猜想他们在讨论什么,从而引出本节课讨论的有关be going to表示将来时简单计划的话题。 


(2)教师展示本节课的短语图片,引领学生学习这些重要的短语,并引导学生利用多种方法记忆短语visit my grandparents,see a film,take a trip,go to the supermarket。



Pair work

(4)展示重点句型,并加以操练What are you going to do?I’m going to 组织学生讲所学短语运用到语句中,进行交流练习。

Step3 .Practice

1、 听音贴图。

2、 看图快读单词。

3、根据板书呈现的单词,利用句型“What are you going to do?I’m going to.自编对话


Step4. Production

Make a plan

(1)根据上部分内容,指导学生加以总结,再次出示重点语句,带学生朗读并翻译,理解其功能用法。 What are you going to do?I’m going to...。





1、 做配套相应的练习。

2、 Summary:what have you learned today ?

3、 Homework :


(2)制定一个简单的下周计划,运用be going to短语加以交流。




1.bought, taught and thought

2.the story

3.a song

能力目标:1. past tense

2.where did you do?

3.What did you do?

情感目标:When you play things, you must get good corporation with your players.

教学重点、难点:1.I am throwing the basketball.

2.hitting and throwing

教具、学具:some balls and story a tape and pictures


一. Class opening and review

Review “ past tense” and “ future tense” verbs with a game. Write three columns of words on the blackboard and ask for volunteers to match them correctly. As each student makes a match, he or she says “Yesterday I___de. Today I___. Tomorrow I am going to__.


Add “buy” “teach” and “think” to your “today” column. Ask the students to give you the future tense for each verb and write them under your “tomorrow” column. Then write “taught” “thought” “bought” in a different order than the other two columns, and ask the students to guess how they match with the present-tense verbs. Point out the similarities in spelling “bought” “taught” “thought”

Use the student book

Pause after Number 1 in the student book. Review the story so far. Today Jenny and Li Ming went to the store buy some clothes for Li Ming to the pictures in the student book. Who are they talking to?

Note the word “player” in the lesson. A “players” plays something, such as a sport.


Play “What’s wrong?” to practice the new past tense verbs, and other tenses and verbs.

Play “spelling Bee” to practice spelling any vocabulary in this unit.

Tech “Oh, what did you do?” in Number 3 of the student book.

Use the activity book

Number 2 in the activity book is a listening exercise. The students listen to each sentence on the audiotape and change it into the past—tense. Here’s how the audiotape goes:


Lesson4 Where did you go?

bought taught thought

Where did you do?

What did you do?