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时间: 沐钦 英语教案




Section A 3a —4



3、 学会询问他人名和姓的句型.



一、自主学习(教师寄语:Knowledge is power.)

学习任务一: 熟悉掌握词汇。

1、 个人自读,记忆本课单词.

2、小组相互检查 单词读和写的情况.


学习任务二: 能运用句型:What's your first name ?

My first name is....

What's your last name?

My last name is...进行交际.


Gina Miller

First name :________ Last name: ________

完成 3a .(让对抗号在黑板上展示)


A: Hello! What's your name?

B: My name is Jack Smith.

A: What's your first name ?

B: My first name is....

A: What's your last name?

B: My last name is...


4、 对抗小组开展竞赛,展示自己的对话.(完成3b)

二、合作共建(教师寄语:Many hands make light work. )


三、系统总结(教师寄语:No man can do two things at once.)

1、 总结你所知道的名和姓。


四、诊断评价 (一) 用所给词的适当形式填空.

1. Nice to meet ______(your).

2. _____(she) name is Helen Black.

3. His family name _____(be) Mr Green.

4. ______(be) you Mr Green.

5. Hi, I _____(be) Lily.

(二) 据汉语完成句子

1. Brown 是他的姓氏. Brown is ______________name.

2. 她的名是什么? ____________________name?

3. 你好,我是杰克. Hi, ________Jack.

4. 我的钢笔是黑色的. _____pen is ______.

5. 他的名字是吉姆. _______________Jim.


A: Hello!

B: ________!

A: I'm Gina,________________?

B: My name is Linda Brown.

A: Is Linda your last name?

B: No.Linda is my __________. And Brown is ___________.

A: Nice to meet you.

B: ____________________.




anecdote, annual, witness, accommodation, shore, yell, pack, flee, drag, depth, lip, tongue, abandon, relationship, help out




Step1 Lead –in &Warming-up(5mins)


T: Have you seen plants andanimals that live under the sea? Where did you see them? What’s this? Yes,they’re killer whales。 How much do you know about them? I’ll show you a shortvideo。

【意图说明】在读前这个环节,通过几个问题,激发学生原有的对海洋生物的知识储备,再展示一些相关的图片,认识一些常见海底动物的英文名称。最后出现虎鲸的形象,以抛出问题What’sthis? How much do you know about them?来引出今天阅读的主角——虎鲸。先播放一段视频——“虎鲸捕猎”的场面。

Step2 Pre-reading (Predicting)(2mins)

T: Now please look at the title“Is Old Tom an old man?” Right, it’s notan old man。 It’s the name of a killer whale。 Here are two pictures of thekiller whale。 Can you guess what happened to him?


Step3 While-reading (28mins)

Task 1 Fast-reading(3mins)

What’s the main idea of the passage? Read the passage quickly and completethe following sentences。

The text consists of two ________written by Clancy。They are mainly about how Old Tom helped the whalers ________a whale and savedJames from the _______。

Explain new words:

anecdote: short, usuallyamusing story about a real person or event


Task 2 Careful-reading(3mins)

Read the first story again and finish the chart。

Fill in the blanks。


Task 3 Discussing and Speaking(5mins)

Discuss in pairs and answer the following questions。

What’s the relationshipbetween Old Tom and the whalers?


Task 4 Read the second story again and finish the chart。(2mins)

Fill in the blanks。

Task 5 Discussing and Speaking(15mins)

Read the second story and answer the following questions:

1、How did Old Tom help James?

2、As far as you know , what other animals everhelp out human beings in history?




” 1999年《哈尔滨晚报》登载了这样一条新闻:黑龙江省阿城市有一个聋哑人,有一天坐在火车道上,当火车路过这里时,怎么鸣叫他也听不见。这时,在路边吃草的一只山羊见到了,它拼命地跑了过来,用角把这个人推出了道轨,而它来不及躲避,不幸壮烈牺牲。)

3、What conclusion can we come to after weshare these stories?


Step4 Languageappreciation(10mins)


In the first story, which sentences do you thinkbest describe the scene of the whale hunt and the actions of Old Tom? In thesecond story, what scene impresses you most?


We ran down to the shore in time to see an enormousanimal opposite us throwing itself out of the water andthen crashing down again。


throwing itself out of the water形象地表现了鲸跃出水面的动作。throw的用法很灵活,能表达出丰富的含义。如:

I felt discouraged when he threw cold water on myidea。


She threw herself into a chair and began to cry。


The fire threw hundreds of workers out of work。


…when we approached him, I saw James being firmly held up in the water by Old Tom。


Step4 Homework

1、 Surf the Internet andlearn more about the killer whale and other marine animals。

2、Try to retell the story using your own words。


第1课时 Unit 1 My name 's Gina (总第1课时)

Section A 1a—2c

【学习目标】:1、熟悉掌握词汇name clock 等



【学习重点】: 使学生学会打招呼和介绍自己,并询问他人姓名的句型.

Nice to meet you . What's your name ? My name is ......


一、自主学习(教师寄语:Knowledge is power.)

学习任务一: 熟悉掌握词汇name ,clock

1、 认真观察第一页的图画,小组讨论你所认识的物品的英语单词.


3、小组竞赛,展示( 看谁总结的多, 写的准确)

学习任务二: 学会介绍自己并询问他人姓名,能够利用所学知识进行打招呼.

1、 教师自我介绍,引导学生介绍自己.

A: Hello , I am Gina , What's your name ?

B: My name is Alan .

2、小组竞赛, 两人一组,询问他人姓名,介绍自己.


学习任务三: 能听懂听力对话并能对根据听力对话进行自由交际.

1,、听录音, 给1B 的对话编号.


3、小组竞赛, 展示对话交际。

二、合作共建(教师寄语:Many hands make light work. )

小组讨论我们所学的英语名字和汉语名字的区别, 如何用英语拼写


三、系统总结(教师寄语:No man can do two things at once.)




(一) 单项选择.

1. _______your name ? My name is Gina .

A. What B. What's C. Who D. which

2. Good morning , Miss Wang ! _____________!

A. Hello B.Hi C. Nice to meet you D. Good morning

3. I _______Sally , What______ your name ?

A. am ,is B. is , am C. is , is D.am, am

4. ______name is Li lei .

A. I B. I am C. My D. you

5.— _______, What's your name ?

— John Green .

A. Hi B. Ok C. sorry D. Excuse me

(二) 写出下列单词的完全形式, 并写出汉语意思.

I'm _________ __________ what's __________ ________

name 's ___________ __________


时钟 _______ 我的 ________ 你的___________ 名字_______ 遇见_________


1. 见到你很高兴. _________________________________.

2.我叫王小雨. ____________________________________.

3. 你叫什么名字? ____________________________________

(五) 根据情景补全对话.

A: Good afternoon !

B: ____________________!

A; I ______Lucy . _________your name ?

B: My ______ is Jim . Nice to ______you !

A: _______________________________.

五、【课后反思】(教师寄语:Never do things by halves)

任务 熟练掌握 基本掌握 没掌握



Starter Unit 1

Good morning!






采用自主学习、小组合作学习、Role playing、 pair work等方式开展听、说、读、写的学习活动。教师要尽量利用幻灯片、挂图、实物等给学生创造较为真实的英语情景。在教学中创设切实可行的任务型教学活动、突出交际性。引趣激趣策略,创设情景调节气氛,引发激发学生兴趣。教师可以用手势,表情,动作等示意,帮助学生听懂课堂用语和日常交际用语,不讲或少讲汉语。



(1a-2e) 用1课时

(3a-4d) 用1课时



1. 语言知识目标:

1) 能掌握以下词汇:字母Aa ~ Hh, good, morning, Good morning!, hi, hello

2) 能掌握以下句型:

① Good morning, Helen!

② Hello, Frank!

③ Hi, Bob!

3) 能理解用英语打招呼的不同说法,并能灵活运用。

4) 能掌握字母Aa ~ Hh的字母顺序,读音及书写。

2. 情感态度价值观目标:



1. 教学重点:

1) 认识一些简单的英文名字,并为自己取一个英文名字。

2) 学习用英语进行见面打招呼,并能体会不同的打招呼用语的奥妙所在,做到灵活运用。

3) 学习掌握字母Aa ~ Hh的字母顺序,读音及书写。

2. 教学难点:

1) 学习掌握字母Aa ~ Hh的字母顺序,读音及书写。

2) 认识一些简单的英文名字,并为自己取一个英文名字。


Ⅰ. Lead in

Listen to a “Good morning!” song. Then Ss learn to sing this song.

(利用JEFC教材中的Good morning!歌曲导入新课.)

Ⅱ. Presentation

1. Come into the classroom and greet the class with a smile and say Good morning! Now, introduce the words “teacher” and “class” by using gestures. Repeat this several times and have the class repeat after you. Students can answer as a whole group, as rows and as individuals.

T: (By gestures) "Teacher; Class"

Ss: (Repeat after teacher) "Teacher; Class"

2. Point to yourself and say I’m Miss/Mr. … Have them repeat. Explain the terms Miss and Mr. in Chinese. Ss repeat this a few times with rows and individuals.

Ss: Miss/ Ms. … (Ss repeat)

Ss: Morning, Miss/Ms. … (Ss repeat)

Ss: Good morning, Ms., Mr. … (Ss repeat)

3. Leave the classroom, return and say Good morning, class! Help the students respond with Good morning, Miss/Mr. … Say "Sit down, please. Now let’s start the lesson."

(Practice it several times.)

Ⅲ. Game (Choose an English name.)

1. T: We have many new friends in our class this year. They are from the U.S.A. and England. Who are they? Do you want to know them? Now please look at the screen.


(Show the picture of Bob.)

T: This is Bob. (Teach Ss "Bob")

Ss: Bob (Ss read after the teacher.)

(Then teach the name: Dale, Frank and Eric in the same way. Tell Ss they're boys.)

(Show the picture of Grace.)

T: This is Grace. (Teach Ss "Grace")

Ss: Grace (Ss read after the teacher.)

(Then teach the name: Helen, Cindy and Alice in the same way. Tell Ss they're girls.)

2. Ss read the names aloud. Then let some Ss read the names to the class.

3. T: Now let's work on 1a. Look at the picture in 1a and write down the names in the picture. Attention: Which are boys' names and which are girls' names?

4. Choose a name for yourself in a group. Then practice saying: "I'm …” (用汉语说明I'm… 意为“我叫……名字。”)

S1: I'm Alice.

S2: I'm Bob.

Ⅳ. Listening

1. Tell Ss that our new friends are greeting each other. Please keep quite and listen the recording.


2. Ss listen and repeat after the recording.

Ⅴ. Pair work


T: You are Bob, your partner is Helen. You are Dale, your partner is Eric. Then you are Cindy, your partner is Alice. Practice the conversations.

Ss practice the conversations in pairs.

T: Exchange the roles. And practice the conversations again.

Ss exchange the roles and practice the conversations again.

2. 运用刚学的句型,并用刚才自己所选择的英文名字来相互问候。

S1: Good morning, Cindy!

S2: Hello, Frank!

S3: Good morning, Grace!

S4: Hi, Bob!

Ⅵ. Listening

1. (告诉学生们英语中有26个英语字母,它们就像我们汉语的笔画一样是构成单词的要素。下面我们先来学习字母Aa ~ Hh。其中A、B、C、D、E、F、G、H是大写字母;a、b、c、d、e、f、g、h是小写字母。)

2. 教师播放录音三次,第一次学生们仅听,第二次和第三次学生们跟读。注意可运用暂停键来让学生们有足够的时间读完。

3. Let some Ss read out the letters Aa ~ Hh. (注意纠正学生们不准确的读音)

4. Let Ss try to remember the letters Aa ~ Hh.

5. Now let's work on 2b. Listen and number the letters you hear [1-8].


Ⅶ. Writing

1. T: Now let's learn how to write these letters. First look at the picture carefully in 2c. Then tell us how to write these English letters.

2. Ss read and find out the writing rules of the letters Aa ~ Hh.






3. Ss try to copy the letters by themselves. T goes around the classroom to give any help.

4. Let some Ss come to the Bb, and write down the letters on the Bb. Check with the whole class.

Ⅷ. Practice

1. Tell Ss to look at the picture in 2d. First, read the letters aloud. Then let some Ss read the letters to the class aloud.

2. Let Ss try to write down the missing letters. Check the answers with your partner.

3. Let some Ss come the Bb and write missing letters on the Bb.


Ⅸ. Read and Talk

1. Let Ss look at the pictures in 2e. Let some Ss read the letters below each picture.

2. Let some Ss talk about the meaning of each picture.

S1: HB (铅笔芯)硬黑

S2: CD 光盘;激光唱片

Ⅹ. Game

Let the students do some letters games to enjoy your lesson,the following is the instru




1. 掌握如何礼貌地发出、接受、拒绝邀请:Canyou come to my party? Yes, I’d love to. / Sorry, I can’t. today,tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week, lesson,invitation

2. 掌握如何谈论自己或别人必须做的事情:Ihave to ...






礼貌地发出、接受、拒绝邀请。Can youcome to my party? Yes, I’d love to. / Sorry, I can’t. today,tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week, lesson,invitation










任务一:Planning abirthday party.


任务二:Writing aninvitation card.

学生以小组为单位展开活动,制作邀请卡向其他组的同学发出邀请,请他们来参加本组的集体生日聚会。注意邀请卡的用词和基本格式,教案《人教版八年级英语教案上册Unit 5 教学设计》(http://www.unjs.com)。



group member

Yes / No



We are going to have apicnic. Can you come?

When is it going tostart?

I’m sorry. I haveto....

3. 拓展学习:










2,掌握重点句型:Where did you go on vacation?

Did you go anywhere interesting?


【课前预习】:看P7,8,完成下列单 词: (一个两遍)

1. 任何人______________________2. 任何地方____________________3.精彩的__________________

4.很少____________________ 5.大多数_____________________6. 某物;某事__________________


10. 你自己____________________11. 母鸡_________________12.猪_____________________________




1. 相当多____________________2. 去度假___________________3.为考试而学_________________




【合作探究】请预习1单元 Section A 的内容,掌握并完成下列知识。

一. anyone 意为____________. 是指人不定代词。某人________, 每个人_________, 没有人__________. 当形容词修饰不定代词时,要后置。

Eg: 1. Is there ________at home? 有人在家吗?

2. Is there _________ _________ in school today? 今天学校有重要的人吗?

【扩展】:不定代词还有指物不定代词:某件事(东西)___________, 任何事(东西)_________, 所有事(东西)_____________,没有事(东西)______________.

还有一些副词:任何地方_________, 某个地方____________, 每个 地方____________,无处__________.

归类:当形容词修饰这些不定代词和副词时, 要______________.

Eg: 1. You can go ________ _________, if you like. 如果你喜欢,你可以去任何有趣的地方。

2. I want to tell you _________ ________ about my vacation.我想告诉你有关我假期的一些特殊的事情。

二. few 意为__________, 修饰___________名词, 倾向于否定。

固定搭配:_____________.修饰_________________名词. 倾向于肯定。

little 意为_____________,修饰___________名词, 倾向于否定。

固定搭配:_____________.修饰_________________名词. 倾向于肯定。

quite a few 表示相当多, 修饰___________名词。quite a little表示相当多,修饰__________名词.

Eg: 1. Tom is happy be cause he has _______ _______ friends here. 汤姆很开心因为他在这有一些朋友。

2. ______people like talking with the bad boy. 很少人愿意和那个坏孩子说话。

3. There is _______ ______milk left in the bottle. 瓶子里还剩一点牛奶。

4. There is _______ food in the fridge and you should buy some. 冰箱里几乎没食物了,你应该买一些。

5. There are ______ _____ ______people at the us stop waiting for the bus.公共汽车站有很多人在等车。

6. There’s still _______ ___ ______ milk in the cup. 杯子里仍然有不少牛奶。

三.most adj. _________. most 修饰名词,most of+名词,意为:大部分…,作主语时谓语动词的单复数取决于名词的单复数。

Eg: 1. _______ ________ are studying English hard now. 现在大多数学生都在努力学习英语。

2. I think most of the food ________ (be) delicious.

四.myself 意为:___________. 是反身代词,在句中作同位语或宾语。其它反身代词,我自己:_______,你自己:_______, 他自己_________,她自己________,它自己________,我们自己________,你们自己___________他们自己___________.

固定短语:teach myself 我自学 enjoy oneself 过得愉快 by myself 我亲自…


I. 单项选择。

( )1. ---Kate, I’m going on business. Please look after _______well. ---Don’t worry, Mom. I will.

A. herself B. myself C. yourself D. himself

( )2. I’d like to go _____________ on vacation.

A. nowhere interesting B. interesting anywhere C. somewhere interesting D. interesting somewhere

( )3. ----How was your weekend? ----Very good! I ______the Science Museum with my classmates.

A. visit B. visited C. am visiting D. will visit

( )4. She is new here, so we know ______ about her.

A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything

( )5. I can’t find my watch, but it must be ______in this room.

A. everywhere B. nowhere C. anywhere D. somewhere

( )6. Everyone ______I come form Sichuan. Actually(事实上), I come from S handong.

A. find B. think C. finds D. thinks

( )7. ---Did you have a good weekend? ---______. We enjoyed ourselves in the park .

A. I’m afraid not B. I don’t think so C. Of course D. I hope not

( )8. ----Where is my notebook? ---I don’t know. It isn’t here. Maybe _____took it away by mistake.(错误)

A. everybody B. nobody C. anybody D. somebody

( )9. ----How was your trip? ----______. I hope I can go there again.

A. Just so-so B. Not very good C. Nothing special D. Wonderful

( )10. He is a famous(的) cook. This dish tastes ______.

A. very well B. good C. well D. bad

II. 用词的正确形式填空。

1. More and more __________(visit) come to visit China these years.

2. I’m going to go _______(shop) for clothes at the Fashion Parade Store today.

3. The farmer keeps 50 p_______ on the farm every year.

4. It was raining hard. But I left my u__________ at school.

5. Health depends on good food and e_________sleep.

III. 用方框中词的适当形式填空。feed, anything, of course, buy, work

6. Do you have___________ important to say?

7. My father _________me an interesting storybook yesterday.

8. They picked leaves from the tree, and ______them to some little white worms.(虫子)

9. However cold it was, we still went on ________.

10. ---Do you feel like going to see a movie? ----___________.





【学习重点】: 询问他人姓名及介绍他人姓名的句型.

一、自主学习(教师寄语:Knowledge is power.)

学习任务一: 熟练读 写本课6个单词.




学习任务二: 运用句型:What's his / her name?

His / Her name is .... 进行自由交际.


my nane ( ) your name ( )

his name ( ) her name ( )


A:Hello! What's your name?

B:My name is Gina.

A:Nice to meet you.

B:Nice to meet you,too.

A:What's her name?

B:Her name is Jenny.


4. 对抗组开展竞赛,展示自己的对话.

学习任务三: 听听力完成2a,2b.



3. 小组为单位,熟读2b中的名字。


二、合作共建(教师寄语:Many hands make light work. )




三、系统总结(教师寄语:No man can do two things at once.)


_______ _______

What's _______ name? _______ is ....

_______ ________


1、 写出下列短语.

(1)我的时钟         (2)你的问题

(3)他的名字         (4)她的回答

2、 根据句意及首字母补全单词。

(1)_________ is your name ?

(2)Nice to m________you.

(3)His a _________is good.

(4)L______! His clock is beautiful(漂亮的) .


1. _______, What's his name? His name is John Green.

A. Hi B. Oh C. Sorry D. OK

2. She is a girl(女孩).What's ______ name?

A. her B. she C. she's D.his

五、【课后反思】(教师寄语:Never do things by halves)