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时间: 梓茵 英语教案



Grammar 1







词汇:free, story, potato, shelf, knife, sheep, salt, tea, kilo, buy, grandpa

词组:in front of, a packet of, a kilo of,


1. He often plays football after school.

2. She seldom plays badminton.

3. She always swims after school.

4. He never plays football.

5. She always dances after school.

6. Millie sometimes goes roller skating.

7. What do we need to buy?



Step 1: Introduction

① Revise the names of the food: What’s your favourite food? …

② Do you drink milk every day?

Do you have an apple every day?

Do you run every day or every week?

Introduce the new words: always; usually; often; sometimes; seldom; never. 领读并突出发音规则.

Step 2: Presentation

① 教师向学生介绍他的生活方式:My lifestyle.

I always go to school by bike.

I usually have milk for breakfast.

I often eat fruit at lunchtime.

I sometimes play badminton in the afternoon.

I seldom play football.

I never drink Coke.




⑤看着食物图片,用六个频度副词来表示自己的饮食习惯;学习新单词potato; salt; tea


Step 3: Practice

① 区分图中食物的哪些是可数的,哪些是不可数的;指导学生使用名词的时候要考虑用法。

② 可数名词的用法:让学生总结“a”、“an”的用法;尤其是在字母前的使用;复数的变形方式,阅读书中表格,掌握可数名词变形的技巧。

③ 在语境中具体使用的练习。

④ 不可数名词:可以用量词来表达一定的数量概念。提供量词,让学生与不可数名词搭配。(提醒:当然量词也可以和可数名词搭配)

⑤ 完成B的练习,全班朗读;

⑥ 总结对话中出现的可数名词单/复数、不可数名词。

Step 4: Homework

1. 掌握频度副词的用法;

2. 配以练习,巩固名词的用法。


Grammar 2


1.识别there be句型和have/has的区别。

2. 熟练掌握 there be句型,包括肯定、否定和疑问形式。


词汇: bottle, noodle, wow

词组: a carton of

句型: There is (not) a banana on the table.

There is (not) too much sugar in them.

There are(not) many potatoes on the table.



Step1 呈现

1. 呈现课本P67(或相似)的图片,让同桌间就该图进行对话操练,引入there be 句型。

A: What can you see on the table?

B: I can see …

A: Are /Is there …on the table?

B: Yes, there are/is.

No, there aren’t/isn’t.

在此过程中,鼓励学生能用完整的句子对there be 句型进行回答,如There are/is …on the table./ There are/is not…on the table.

2. 指导学生就教室中的物品用there be句型进行对话操练。

A: What can you see in our classroom?

B: I can see …

A: Are / Is there …in our classroom?

B: Yes, there are/is.

(There are/is …in our classroom.)

No, there aren’t/isn’t.

(There aren’t /isn’t …in our classroom.)

3.指导学生根据以上对话操练归纳出there is 和there are 句型的区别。

4.给出一系列和there is/are及have/has有关的句型,让学生用这些词(组)的正确形式填空。

5.指导学生归纳出there is/are及have/has的区别。

Step2 练习

1.完成一组用there is/are或have/has的正确形式填空,以检验学生是否已掌握什么情况下用there is, there are, have, has以及它们各自的不同用法。

1). How many days _______ in a month? _______thirty or thirty-one days in a month.

2). How many legs ______ the chair _______ ? It ______ only two . It is broken.

3). What’s in the shopping mall ? _______ a supermarket, some restaurants and different kinds of shops.

4). Look! The clocks _______ round faces and on the faces _______ three legs.

5). Can you see the tall building in the centre of the city? It _______ 38 floors .

_______ many companies and shops in it .

6). ________ some chicken on the plate.。 _______ any noodles in the bowl .

7). _______ you _______ much homework to do every day ? Yes. _______ no time for us to

watch TV.

8). Who ________ a Chinese-English dictionary? Nobody________ . I think _________ some in the teacher’s office.

2.指导学生完成课本67页练习,掌握there be 句型的正确用法。

3.用there be句型的正确形式完成一组新对话。

Kitty: I am hungry.

Amy: Me too.

Kitty: _________ a restaurant around here?

Amy: I don’t think so. ________ not one that I know of.

Kitty: Then _________a supermarket nearby?

Amy: Let me think. Well, ________ a big supermarket at the end of this street.________ a lot of things we can eat there.

Kitty: That’s great, but _______always many people there too?

Amy: I think so.

Kitty: Oh, I hate too many people. Look, _______ a snack bar over there. Shall we go there?

Amy: OK.

4.学生运用已学的there be 句型,参照以上练习中出现的对话自由发挥,同桌间编对话进行操练。

Step3 Homework


Period 1 Comic strip and Welcome to the unit

Teaching goals:

To introduce vocabulary about common presents for teenagers

To talk about what present to buy for a friend

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Warming up

Ask students to write a present list containing items which they think their partners would like. Ask them to list four things. Write the following models on the blackboard.‘Do you like… for your birthday?’‘Yes, I like… very much./ No, I don’t like…’Using the models, students ask and answer questions about the things they have on their lists.

Step 2: Presenting

T: Amy wants to buy some presents for Simon and Sandy for their coming birthdays. She is making a list of the things that she can buy. Look at the pictures in Part A. Ask and answer questions like this:

T: What’s this?/ What are these?

S: It’s a CD / yo-yo / photo album / music box.

They’re comic books / stickers / hair clips.


Unit 6 Fashion Show Reading 教案

Teaching objectives:

1. To locate specific information by scanning the text.

2. To read for specific information and to think about related points.

Teaching aids: tape recorder, a computer.

Teaching method: TPR, Aural-oral Method.

Teaching procedure:

( Daily report )

Step 1. Warming-up

Show a big picture about fashion show on the screen.

Step 2. Presentation

1. Listen to the whole text with some questions

eg: When did the students give a fashion show? Why? …

2. Ask some students to read the text one by one.

Help students and have a look around the full text.

3. Ask students to find out the paragraph which describes the four students from Class 1 Grade 7. Students neck read the paragraph they found out.

4. Study the description about four people together.

5. Students fill in a form themselves.

Step 3. Practice

1. Four in a group, choose one person to describe with their own.

2. Let some students choose and describe.

Step 4. Consolidation

1. Do the exercises on P90.

2. Read the whole text together.

Step 5 Class work

Students finish the exercises in the paper

Step 6 Homework

Do the exercises period 2 in workbook


(一) 知识概要

连词是一种在句子与句子之间,短语之间以及名词等其他词语之间起连接作用的虚词,它不能单独作句子的成份。按其意义可分为并列连词和从属连词两大类。并列连词连接的双方是对等的。常有的并列连词有and, both…and, either…or, neither…nor, not only…but also, as well as等。但如果连接的两部分意义不趋向一致,意义有转折的并列连词有:but, however, while (而),only (只不过)。还有表示选择关系的并列连词,如:or, or else, otherwise… 再有的是连接双方,互为因果,或表示前因后果的连词有:for, so, therefore (因此),then等。从属连词在初中范围内常常用来连接名词性从句,如:that, if, whether, 其次用来连接状语从句。其中有原因状语从句,常用的连接词有:when while, as, since, before, after, once, as soon as, until, till 连接条件状语的连词有:if, unless, as long as 等,而原因状语的连接词有because, since, as, now that (既然)。目的、结果、方式、比较、地点等状语从句的连接词有:so that, so…that, such…that, as…as, than, where… 它们在句子与文章中几乎无处不见。具体用法见下表。


种类 功用 例句

并列连词 连接具有并列关系的 词 He knows neither English nor French.

短语 Are you going by bus or on foot?

分句 Mary was a good girl, but she had one shortcoming.

从属连词 引导: 状语从句 I'll do it as you told me.

You will be late unless you hurry.

连接代词和连接副词 主语从句 What he said proved true.

When we'll start has not been decided yet.

表语从句 This is why he didn't come yesterday.

That is where he lives.

宾语从句 The man asked me which I liked best.

I can't understand why she is so late.

关系代词和关系副词 定语从句 Nicotine is a drug that gets one into the habit of smoking.

He came last night when I was out.

(二) 正误辨析

[误] Both my parents are not here. They went to the concert just now.

[正] Neither of my parents is here. They went to the concert just now.

[析] 在英语中both一般用于肯定句中,如用于否定句中,其意义也不同于汉语,如:Both of us are not right. 在英语中应被理解为"我们俩不都对。"而Neither of us is right。 才能被理解为"我们俩无一正确"。

[误] He or his parents has some tickets for the film.

[正] He or his parents have some tickets for the film.

[析] 由or 连接两主语时,谓语动词应与相临近的那一个主语保持一致。

[误] You should study hard, and you won't pass the exam.

[正] You should study hard, or you won't pass the exam.

[析] or作为连词,这里的意思为"否则"。又如:Hurry up, or you'll be late for school.

[误] Though he is poor, but he is ready to help others.

[正] Though he is poor, he is ready to help others.

[正] He is poor, but he is ready to help others.

[析] "虽然……但是"是中文中的常用结构,但在英文中用了"虽然"则不要用"但是",用了"但是"则不能再用"虽然",二者只可用其一。

[误] Either you or I are on duty.

[正] Either you or I am on duty.

[析] either…or 连接两个主语时,其谓语动词与相临近的一个主语相呼应,这也叫作就近原则。类似的用法还有or, neither… nor, not only…but also等。

[误] Tom is our English teacher and teaching English in our school now.

[正] Tom is our English teacher and is teaching English in our school now.

[析] 并列句中常常在后面的句子中作一些省略,以免重复,但不是所有词都可作任意的省略的。当你连接的是两个系动词时,后面的那个系动词不可省略,也就是讲连接的部分不可省略。